Stupid Quotes from my Friends and I Part Two

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Mallory: "Oh no! Fell got ripped! And not in the good way!"

Me: *giggles*

Mallory and I: *burst out laughing*


Me: *stares with chin on knee*

Mallory: "Are you okay?"

Me: *sucks on knee*

Mallory: "Are you eating your knee?"

Me: *bites knee*


Mallory: *finds unopened tootsie roll* "Ew, look!"

Me:*picks up tootsie roll and stares at it*

Mallory: "Don't you dare ea-"

Me: *eats it*


Mallory: "Hey."

Me: *has headphones on* "What?"

Mallory: "Wanna sit on a chair?"

Me: "What?"

Mallory: "Wanna sit on a chair?"

Me: "What?" *too lazy to pause music*


Mallory: *pokes me* "Boop."

Mallory: "Glubella."


Mallory: "You know who looks hot in glasses?"

Me: "Me."

Mallory: "I was going to say Phil Lester but that works fine."


Jadyn and I: *watches Marley and me*

Me: *cries*

Jadyn: "What is so sad about this?"


Me: *tries to take off Mallory's phone case*

Mallory: "Please don't break my phone."

Bailey: *in a whiny voice* Don't break my baby!"

Mallory: "He used to be my baby but now he's my ex"

Me: .Heheheheheheheh Zach."


Mallory: "Imagine how hot the Erasers would be in human form. Like Harry Styles hot."

Me: "Almost as hot as Fell."

Mallory: "Fell..."

Mallory and I: *squealing and kicking feet*

Me: "Why are we fangirling over my fictional boyfriend?"


Mallory: "What comes after 68?"

Me: *snickers*

Mallory: "What comes after 69?"

Me: "Tired. And messy hair."


Mallory: "If I ever need to kill myself, I'll shave my legs."

Mallory: "Then I'll bleed out."


Me: *stuffs knees into sweatshirt* "Hey, lookit me, I'm Emma with my big fat boobs!"

Ayla: *dies laughing*

Mallory: "And you're friends with her..."

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