What she said

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Dear Diary,

I had a lonely day at school. Nana said it's because I'm new. School was normal with loads of homework. During breaks I observed people and I found out that Chelsea, Kylie and Jessica are the popular girls. By the look of their body shape, I could tell that they were gymnasts. The school also said that a gymnastics tryout for a competition would be held soon. I'm going to try out even though I probably would be a flunk against the popular girls. 

Nana took me home to finish my homework. I studied hard on everything and completed all my homework. I looked at the clock. 5:00 pm.  Nana packed my gym bag with fruit, pasta and a leotard. She took me to gymnastics lesson. Coach Taylor didn't say anything so I stretched in awkward silence. I practiced my routine on ball. Obviously, Coach Taylor corrected a lot. By the end of practise, I was exhausted! The routine was neat and together. While I drank water, Coach Taylor approached me.

"Good work today. I can see big improvements from Coach Meghan," said Coach Taylor. "I think that you have another opportunity on the Squad."

I lit up almost immediately.

"You must have a competition award of any sort that is outside of the gymnasium" she continued.

That was it I had to compete in the tryouts and win that competition. Wait... That's impossible. I finished the last of my fruit and went home.

Should I do it?

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