First Day

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Dear Diary,

So I am officially worn out for good. My legs are aching and my arms are going to snap in half. Today's training was intense. I woke up at 6:00am this morning and I found out that my kitchen was fully stocked with food and utensils. I made a chicken salad and went to the gymnasium.

I went directly up to the 4th floor and went inside Studio 3 where I was meant to be. Ms Dodges and another woman were talking. I placed my gym bag in my locker and walked in quietly. Ms Dodges introduced me to Freda who was the other woman. She had blonde hair and green eyes and she seemed like she was in her twenties. Since I was the first one to arrive, she gestured for me to stretch until all 8 gymnasts had arrived.

When all the girls arrived, we spent 2 and a half hours working on our ribbon. All the gymnasts in Studio 3 were in the B-Team. For the other 1 and a half hours and Leah and I worked on the routine that Freda had taught us. Leah had her black hair tied up in a messy low ponytail so I decided to do a plaited bun for her. Leah was surprising good at ribbon even though she hated it.

After that, I had to go on with 3 hours of ball. Freda taught us a routine too and I was the only one who got it right. It felt good to be the best. I also grabbed a box of pizza for lunch.

Obviously, I still had Fitness so I went to the Fitness level and  worked out with sit-ups, chin-ups and yoga. Trust me, Fitness almost killed me! After fitness, I grabbed a Ham and Cheese toastie. Then I headed for the pool. I spent one hour relaxing in the hot spa. My muscles started to relax and it felt like bliss. I took a shower at the pool and went back to my room. Aggy and Hails had texted me so I quickly replied. I also added Leah on my contacts. She texted me to meet her in her room.

I went into her room and it was beautiful. Her room had a clock and a desk. Leah was in the kitchen waiting for me to stop wandering around. I walked over to her and then she taught me how to cook since I told her that I wasn't exactly the best at cooking. She definitely was. Leah was Chinese so she decided to teach me how to make dumplings. First we made the filling using pork and chives. Then, we wrapped the filling in the dumpling skin that Leah had bought. Once we made like 35 dumplings, we fried them. While I was frying the dumplings, Leah made a sweet chilli sauce to compliment the dumplings.

After we finished cooking, we sat and ate the dumplings together. It felt good to actually have a friend. Leah had only come last year when her family was still in America. Her family moved back to China a few months ago and has never contacted since. I felt really sorry for her but she said that it didn't matter. Her parents had left her a big inheritance so she was satisfied.

We talked about the A-team and what they were like. So far this is what I know.
Bronte- the queen bee
Sophie - two faced.
Debra - the most flexible
Karen- Bronte's bff
Lydia - Twin of Quinn
Quinn - twin of Lydia
Teresa- the rich one

After talking for a while, I went back to my room. I never thought that the A-team were filled with brats. What would I be? What would my status mean?

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