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Dear Diary,

It has been a week since I have arrived and I am starting to understand what Leah was telling me a week ago. Bronte and her group (Bron-brons) are extremely annoying. I hear them gossiping in the hallways and laughing in the change rooms. They even have regular sleepovers! Lately, they seem to be attempting to talk to me but I know I can't trust them.

They really like me for some reason. Bronte is especially nice to me and so does her Bron-Brons except for Sophie. She still hates me. Leah said that I should be in their gang just to fish out all their dirty secrets. I agreed to that and that's what's been going down.

Apparently, they reckon I should be on the A-team. The annoying thing about them is that they all have to be like Bronte. So if Bronte is in braids, all the other girls are to be in braids. What type of rule is this?!

I record almost everything they say to Leah. They haven't been spilling secrets except their are talking in this really annoying 'little girl' voice. It ticks me off!

I am getting closer to them however how long is it gonna take to make them spill their secrets?

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