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Dear Diary,

Today we were lucky not to receive any homework. I guess it's because we have a big exam coming up and the teachers want us to study more. Today I had no gym but it gave me the time I needed to study. I live in a small apartment with Nana. There are 2 bedrooms (one for me and one for Nana). To be honest, my room is the bigger one and I feel bad for Nana even though she says that she wanted the smaller room. In my room, my bed sits in one corner and I have a cute desk. My desk is filled with paper, folders, storage areas and a small drawer.

I spent about 4 hours revising and studying. I felt really productive like I was on the right track. I am a very organised girl so it was pretty easy. After working hard, Nana made some delicious pelmeni. I have to say that pelmeni was so good that I had seconds (which rarely happens). Then the phone rang and the contact was Taylor Freiden.  Excitedly, I picked up the phone. 

Coach Taylor said that my gymnastics competition win was not good enough to make the team. The Squad coaches decided to cancel my enrollment. Coach Taylor said that she had tried to talk to the coaches about it but they wouldn't reconsider. She said that the standards were just too high. Way higher than she had expected. After talking for a while, I hung up. I had enough. I ran into my room and locked myself inside. I threw my body onto my soft bed. The happiness in me had been drained out. I was melting into anger and sadness.

I was angry at the fact that I had tried so hard and yet these coaches didn't care. I was sad because now I didn't even have a chance to get in the Squad. I wish I could cry in my mother's shoulders or get a hug from my father but I can't. I have no one who I can run to except Nana. I want to go home. Home to Russia where I belong.

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