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Dear Diary,

Daniel came over to practise with me again. We choreographed our dance together. There's like a billion lifts and millions of solos within us. It's so cool. I still get that electric current when he touches me. I trust to hold me though.

We have beautiful chemistry. I love dancing with him because I can let go fully. He is funny and we have competitions all the time. It's great.

We had good laughs and awkward moments. I ate his food and he hid my water bottle. I pecked his cheek and he tickled me to death. I could smell his sweet scent. IT WAS BLISS. 

He left at 9:00pm because we were practically on the floor by 8:30pm. I laid on the cool wooden floor breathless. He stayed beside me. Then when I was about to go. He pulled me against him and pulled my lips against his. I pulled away. I can't do it. It wasn't right. He let go.

"Why so shy?" 
he laughed

"I can't do that. I am fourteen not seventeen."
I panted.

I seized my bag and ran back to my dorm. I fell asleep on my bed. My dreams were horrifying. It was Daniel and me. I was 18 and he was 21. He was intimate with me. I woke up at 2:00am in sweat. Ewwww! It's 2:15am. I can't sleep. 

Daniel is a sweet guy but what if he is a bad guy too?

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