A different world

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Dear Diary,

I went to school today and I felt really good about myself. Normally, I'd walk in and hide in my corner but today everyone was just congratulating me. The 3 musketeers (Kylie, Chelsea and Jessica) strutted up to me and ruined my day. Technically, they were saying that I got in for luck and that it didn't mean anything. Ugh! Can't they just keep their annoying thoughts to themselves! I wish that I could slap them and do a back handspring to smash their jaw-bone. 

Anyway, during class a girl named Agnella who is Italian but was born in Australia. She is a cheerleader and was pretty impressed with my performance. She has a friend named Hayley who's also Russian. I hung out with them during break. It feels good to belong for once. Hayley speaks fluent Russian so whenever Agnella spoke in Australian slang, so I could understand too. After school, I told Nana that I was going to do some more gymnastics practise and that the gym was free at school. She said it was fine.

Hayley does artistic gymnastics and Agnella can do really good tricks. Hayley and Agnella both love tumbling so we did synchronized tumbling. After a while, I showed Hayley and Agnella how I do my rhythmic routines. They thought that it was so amazing that they tried to copy me. They got most of it right except they aren't as flexible as I am. Overall, I think that school is becoming easier now and I fit in.

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