No Means No

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Dear Diary,
I went to school today. Everything was normal and I hung out with Agnella and Hayley. Nothing was different except I wasn't the girl who hide with Aggy and Hails. We felt more confident and the 3 musketeers were obviously bothered by that. They gave up using gymnastics as their talent and replaced it with this annoying flirting. Anyhow, when I got home, Nana was as silent as ever. I asked her what was up and she spilled the truth. I kinda wished I hadn't asked her for the truth but at the same time it felt weird when Nana was being quiet. Nana said that it was too expensive for me to go to America to train.

I read the letter in disbelief. That was insane! How could I ever make it to America. But then again, how much did I really love gymnastics? Was I ready to give it up and be stopped like that! No, I couldn't, I started gymnastics. I can't end it now! Not after all the sweat, blood and tears I had shed!

I don't know what happened but I begged Nana and I screamed and I felt like a brat. I threatened her to let me go.
"Gymnastics is my life. Gymnastics is my dream. Gymnastics is my all" I told Nana.
How could she take my destiny away from me.  I threw a tantrum and I chucked all my leotards into the bin and ran to my room to sulk. Then I quickly got all my leotards back because I felt like holding them again in my shaky hands.

After a while I felt sorry for Nana. She  didn't have to go through all this. I put her through so much that she didn't deserve. That night, I cried and I apologised to Nana. She was sorry too but I was even more sorry. I was the one who had hurt her. I was the one she had to sacrifice everything for.

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