The Gym

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Dear Diary,

I know this is like the second entry today but I want to record down my journey. I just arrived at the dorms and they are beautiful. So there are 4 blocks; The Gymnasium, Medical Wing, The Pool and The Dormitory. The Gymnasium is the biggest block. There are 4 storeys; reception, fitness gym, olympic training grounds and a studio floor. The Medical Wing is a 2 storey building. The Dormitories have 3 storeys. There are 8 rooms on each floor. I am on the third floor and the view is spectacular.

My room is beautiful and relaxing. There's a small living room with a TV and a kitchen provided with a coffee and dining table. Then there are four wooden sliding doors to reveal a bedroom and a bathroom on the side. The room felt warm and welcoming. Now I'm gonna text Aggy and Hails

Aggym - OMG! Your room is beautiful :)

Haystacks - Love it so much. You're so lucky! XD


I went out with Ms Dodges and two other rhythmic gymnasts for some lunch. Leah and Bronte. I only ate wedges since I was jet-lagged. Bronte and Leah were 13 too which really comforted me. Ms Dodges handed me my time-table for tomorrow. She had put me in the B-Team and it felt really weird. Like I was at the bottom of the class. Leah was in the B-team but Bronte was in the A-team.

Sunday - Evanesca

Ribbon - 4 hours                                                    Ball - 3 hours                                        Flexibility - 1 hour

Tomorrow was going to be hard and by hard I mean like I have never done anything so intensive in my life. I am gonna ring Nana soon.


I called Nana and we talked for a long time. We both we crying. I felt homesick once more. I wanted Nana. Today's been a big day and tomorrow will be even bigger. 

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