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Dear Diary,

It's officially Friday! I have been waiting for Friday because I get to meet Daniel. I woke up at 6:00am and texted Daniel to confirm the time we were going to meet up. 

Can I catch you for dinner at 6:30pm

I threw my phone into my gym bag and headed for the bathroom. I took a shower and changed into my leotard. Then I raced down to train. Throughout training, all I could think of was Daniel. I've never liked any guy in my life. I kept looking at the clock but time seem to go by so slowly. I practised my routines over and over. I stretched and did fitness. After like a billion years, I FINALLY was dismissed.

I ran up to my dorm. My body was sticky with sweat so I took another shower. I chose my a beige dress and left my hair down. I painted my nails a soft pink and wore some white flats. I checked my phone.

Sure! I'll meet u @ the Grande

Yes! I ran downstairs and made my way out.

The Grande was quite close to the gymnasium. I crossed a few roads. Nobody suspected my age because I look like I'm 16. The Grande is this bar-like restaurant. It was light dimly with warm lights with hints of wood. Inside I could see Daniel in a loose T-shirt. I totally over-dressed! I walked over and sat myself down in front of him. 


Definitely weird!

"I've already ordered for you if you don't mind"

"I don't mind,"

We talked for 5 minutes about dance and the performance. Then the food came. He had a steak burger with fries and I got chicken schnitzel. We continued over dinner. I got to know him and what he liked. I talked about my dislikes and likes too. At about like 8:00pm, I felt like I had known him forever. 

He decided to take me to this ice-cream place which had a perfect view. We walked together. He was next to me. Every time his arms touched me, it kinda sent this electric current through my body. We talked for a lot. I could feel him wanting this relationship but I didn't want it to go too fast. 

We reached ice-cream place and I chose a hazelnut ice-cream. Dan chose a choc-mint. We sat up on a grassy hill where we laid down side by side gazing up and the stars above. It was beautiful. He reached out for my hand and we held hands. IT WAS BLISS. 

"I really like you,"
He leaned over the top of me and whispered it.

OMG! yes!

We walked back to the the gymnasium. It was 10:00pm and I was getting tired. When we reached the gym, he told me he had to tell me something private. Hand in hand, I followed to behind the building. I fell against the cool wall. He leaned in so close, I could smell his sweet scent. Then, I could feel his lips against my lips. I pulled away gagging. What the hell? He pulled away and spat at some grass nearby. 

"Sorry. First time"

"Me too,"
I was out of breath. 

I gave him my room number and I went to my room. My head is spinning. I don't know what to feel or do.

I feel numb.

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