One But Many

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Dear Diary, 

I worked on my group dance with the other girls. Basically, it's about this homeless girl (me) who gets led into a magical world filled with fairies (other girls). It's quite  beautiful really. Ms Dodges shed a tear whilst watching us. I get to be lifted up on this rope thing whilst I hold a leap for the part when I go into the magic world. 

Then I get dropped onto this white wonderland and its beautiful. Leah and these other girls do hand movements and connections. Some girls fly around on a rope. We got to see our costumes for the first time. The fairies where white dress that run down to their knees and silver wings. I have two - rags for the homeless girl and a baby pink dress that run down to the middle of my shins. 

I danced for 4 hours today, had fitness for 1 hour and swam for 1 hours. Leah is the best at dance. I think she should be a dancer actually. Bronte, Leah and I were talking about crushes today. Bronte has a crush on her this hip-hop guy in her bad-girl dance. His name is Zac and he's 16. Leah has no crushes yet. I tell them about Daniel and our night out. They sounded like little kids when I told them. 

Today we choreographed the whole dance and had to do it 5 times straight. My dance teacher had one rule 'NO STANDING JUST DANCING'  

INSPIRED BY >>>dancegirl1973 

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