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Dear Diary,

Today was my monthly free-day. I decided to spend it by going out and making up with Leah. I woke up at like 9:00am because I was so tired. Then I chucked on a loose T-Shirt and loose shorts. Leah was training but I knew that the B-Team had a long break from 9:30-10:00. 

Leah was just coming out. She glanced at me and walked towards her cubby. I approached her casually. I knew she was mad at me but I just thought  that if I wasn't so angry then she'd cool off. I asked her stuff about how her life as going but she just ignored. She stuffed her gym bag back into the cubby and turned to face me. She was angry.

"Why are you even talking to a lame gymnast like me. You're too busy for people who are in the B-Team." Leah rolled her eyes at me after she said that.

"I'm sorry. You've got to understand that being in the Olympic Team means gymnastics 24/7,"I said.

"You wouldn't even say hi as you walked passed me. What's that suppose to mean, huh?" she asked. She was so mad at me. Leah turned on her heel and walked to towards the girls bathroom.

I felt so bad. I wanted to cry but I couldn't, not with all the people around me. A big fat rock was stuck in my throat preventing me from talking. My heart began to sink. I've been getting everything I've wanted but why was I so unhappy?

After I got dissed by Leah, I decided to go out of the gym and relax. Since I was 14, I was allowed to go to the mall nearby. As I walked around inside the mall, I realised what I was doing. Gymnastics was my dream and I had taken it too far. I pushed Nana financially and emotionally. I lost my only friend because I joined the Olympic Team. I made an enemy when I could have made a friend. I had been too greedy. I needed to realise my real life.

It was about like 5:00pm when I arrived back at the dorms. Ms Dodges apotted me and asked me to go to her office.

"Evanesca, I've been very selfish. I've given Bronte what she wanted because of financial reasons and that was wrong. Every gymnast poor or rich deserves a chance," she said in an apologetic tone.

I stared at my feet blank then I spoke.

"Ms Dodges, I'm very grateeful to be in the Olympics Team but if Bronte wants to be an Olympian then maybe she could train like an Olympian since you suggested that she was quite capable,"I replied ,trying to make her job easier.

"You know what Evanesca, I'll give Bronte a chance to be trained like an Olympian. Thank you."

I walked out of Ms Dodges office. On the way out, I spotted Leah's locker open. She always locked it. I walked a few steps to get a better look at what was inside her locker. Inside, I could see Leah crouching. I could hear sobs and sniffles. Taking a deep breath, I walked ahead. 

"Evanesca."I heard a whisper.

It was Leah. I ran over to where she was in her locker. 

"I'm so sorry. I was the selfish one, keeping you from your dreams. Hate me as much as you want," she whimpered.

"I'm the one who's sorry. I've let this Olympic Life take over me and I've been really selfish. I want you back, Leah,"

A smile emerged from her face, followed by a laugh. We spend 15 minutes catching up on each other. After that, I headed for the dorms. I got Leah back and I was starting to ease up with Bronte. There was one person left. Someone who had sacrificed everything for me. Nana.



Sorry for the long chapter

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