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Dear Diary,

We came back to America today. Everyone is so happy and proud of me for winning gold. The American government is happy and paparazzi's have been chasing me everywhere. Since I received $1,000,000 I donated $100,000 to the Squad and they're gonna use it to purchase more fitness stuff. I gave Nana $500,000 to help with her financial needs in Australia. Nana said that she might come and live here in America. 

I really wished that the medal was for Russia. I'm from Russia but I guess I should be grateful having won a gold at such a young age. Leah went bonkers after I told her. Bronte started to become my friend. She apologised and I forgave her. I wonder what my life will be like after I make gymnastics as a career.

Ms Dodges congratulated me so much.

I mean it isn't like America hasn't won a medal but I am the youngest gymnast to ever win. The Squad is gonna pay me to train at their studio from now on so I'm going to get paid $3,000 per month so it's pretty good. 

I have to advertise for some sports ads next week so I guess have a busy week. Life is going in the right direction at the moment but I won't be able to write in my diary for 2 weeks. But once I can, I'll keep you updated and all that. Adverstising might fun, I don't know.

I'm tired at the moment. BYE!!!

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