Plane Trip

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Dear Diary,

Today's the big day. It's currently 5:ooam. I woke up at 4:30am and I was wide-awake with excitement. I just finished eating breakfast and now I'm heading out to the taxi. This is my last diary entry before I leave the house. I'll miss Nana so much. She promises that she'll visit me every 3-4 months. 


Currently, I'm in the taxi and we are almost at the airport. I am so excited. Nana is here in the taxi with me. She's gonna say goodbye at the departures area. I packed a few lucky charms and took some photos of the apartment just so I would never forget Nana and home. The airport is huge from what I can see and the sun is just beginning to come up. I will be writing in Australian time until I reach America.


I just checked in and met my flight attendant that is going to be taking care of me. Coach Taylor wanted me to fly in business class so she paid for all of my plane ticket. I know Nana is really upset but she doesn't seem to be showing it. The flight attendant, Mia, is nice to me so I feel pretty confident. Mia walked me to the departures area and she let me say good-bye to Nana. We hugged each other for 5 minutes. Tears streamed down her face for the second time in my life I felt loss. Nana was my family, my only family. I held her tight and then it was time to go. She wiped her tears away and forced a smile. I waved until I couldn't see her anymore.


Mia calmed me down and we boarded the plane together. I have never flown in business class before and the sight was amazing. She taught me how to lie down and showed me where the bathroom was. It was going to be a long flight. I switched on the phone Aggy had given me. I went to messages and texted Aggy and Hails. I made my username Eva_:)


The plane is taking off! I looked down and I could see the airport slowly becoming smaller and smaller. "I love you, Nana" I whisper silently to myself. I lay back and waited for the 14 and a 1/2 hours to pass.


We just arrived in Los Angeles in California. I slept for most of the flight and watched two movies. Mia gave me two ham and cheese toasties and a cup of apple juice. Right now, we're getting off the plane. I have to check-out.

American Time - 6:30am

I just checked out and it's just dawn here. I feel a bit homesick so I pull out my phone and text Aggy and Hails.

Aggym - How's America? I miss you so much :(

Haystacks - I miss you too. Update us, ok?

I send pictures of the plane. Right now, I'm in a taxi or a 'cab' on my way to the gymnasium. America was amazing. Beautiful.

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