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Dear Diary,

Ms Dodges is killing me! Ugh! She's left us in suspense for 2 days and that is a really long time. Anyways, Bronte was just talking about how she was obviously gonna get the spot. All the Bron-Brons were like 'Yeah, totally.' That drove me nuts.

Bronte didn't talk to me strangely. She didn't notice me at all. I guess she was so wrapped up in her fabulous life that she wasn't bothered talking to me. I hung out with Leah and texted Aggy and Hails. Aggy and Hails were really proud of me. Their gymnastics were going great so far. Hails was going to the Northern Territory to compete!

Leah helped me decorate my room. It looks amazing now! 

Then something big happened. Ms Dodges gathered us in her office and she was announcing the winner. I was so nervous, I pinched my arm so hard it turned red. I could feel the goose-bumps rising. This was once-in-a-lifetime chance. But then again, what if what Bronte said was true? What if she was the one?

Ms Dodges cleared her throat to get our attention.

"You all did really well but the only thing that separated your performances were your feelings. Did you guys really want the spot?"

"The winner today, had so much emotion. I could feel her letting everything go. That person was Evanesca"

I let out a relieved sigh and smiled from ear-to-ear. My dream had come true. Bronte and her Bron-Brons were smug and for once I didn't care. Ms Dodges gestured for everyone else to leave. Bronte smirked at me and left.

I walked towards her desk.

"Congratulations Evanesca! I am so proud of you!"

I smiled widely.

"I haven't gotten all the details about the Olympics yet but it's just two months away. You just focus on perfecting that routine and you'll be amazing. Share the news with your Nana, okay. You must be very  happy."

"Yeah, this has been my dream all along"

Ms Dodges just smiled and let me go. I skipped happily all the way to my dorm. Leah went crazy when I told her about my success. She did a back tuck to show her happiness. I video called Aggy and Hails. We talked for a while and they too were really happy with my success. Leah also met Aggy and Hails. They got on really well together. 

For dinner, I had some pizza and for dessert we had ice-cream. Leah left at 10:00pm. I immediately called Nana and told her about the good news. I could hear her crying with tears of happiness. She was delighted.

"Your Mama and Papa would be so proud of you,"

My dream had come true!

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