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Dear Diary,

It's getting so cold, I got a heater in my room. My skin is cracked and I can barely wake up for practise. When I go to train, I can see smoke coming out of my mouth each time I breath. MY hands and legs get cold and I lose power/flexibility. Ms Dodges makes us do gymnastics in dance. 

The bars are cold and it takes about 30 minutes before I can actually feel heat regaining. My hands are forever frozen. I have to bring like warm water just to keep me warm. Apparently, we should be able to deal with the cold. NO WAY. In fact, writing my diary is hard. I started working on my duet with Bronte. It's cool. We are cool girls and we show-off constantly to each other - in the dance. 

We just choreographed it today so we still have loads to work on. The performance is in 3 weeks. I can't stop thinking about Dan. i see him when I blink and sleep. We need time. I don't want to race things. i want to be careful and mindful. 

Costumes :

Duet w/ Bronte - Electric Purple leotard with a puffy black dress.

Duet w/ Dan - White leotard with a white skirt

Group - Rags and pink dress.

Also I won't be able to write this diary until after the performance because I find that it is very hard to fit it into my schedule.

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