Back at the gym

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Dear Diary,

I had gym training with Coach Taylor. Apparently, she made an appeal for me and the Squad accepted it. They were going to assess me in hoop. Coach Taylor made me stretch till I felt like my bones and muscles were about to break. I practised so hard on the hoop because it was my dream. My dream get into the Squad because every 4 years the Squad sends 3 gymnasts to the Olympics. 

After training for like 3 hours, the assessors arrived. My heart was beating so fast, I could feel each beat in my bones and muscles. I was so nervous, I think I almost wet my pants! Grabbing the hoop, I began to do my routine. It was all good because I knew every single twist, trick and turn. After I finished, I felt satisfied but gross. I was so sweaty and icky and yuck. I wiped my sweat off with my towel whilst Coach Taylor talked to the assessor.

The moment of truth had come. Coach Taylor gestured for me to come over. The assessor was a young woman with dark skin and brown hair. Her body shape gave away that she too was a gymnast. The assessor spoke to me and asked about my parents. I told her that I only had my Nana who had sacrificed everything for em already and wouldn't be able to pay a lot of money for the gymnastic fees. Coach Taylor took a deep breath and smiled widely.

"YOU MADE IT!" she yelled.

I shrieked and I kinda felt embarrassed for screaming. I was so happy and I am still happy now. It was like flying over the moon. The assessor had given me a full scholarship to join the Squad.

I told Nana and she was excited only I had to go across to another state to compete and train. I felt like leaving Nana would be dangerous and disrespectful. She urged me to go and signed the letter.

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