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Dear Diary,

I was at the gym today and I told Coach Taylor about my dilemma. I felt so bad for pushing the problems on to her. We had a three hour session and it felt weird. Like I didn't like gymnastics anymore, like I wasn't working with it. I couldn't feel any feeling going into it. Gymnastics used to be my BFF and soulmate. I did it to escape the harsh reality. Coach Taylor phoned Stephanie Dodges and they were on the phone for a long time. At the end of the session, Coach Taylor said that Ms Dodges was going to make her decision soon and I would be alerted by tomorrow.

After training, I met up with Aggy and Hails who trained in the gym a street down from my gym. I told them about the whole deal and they totally listened. I felt happy and calm after I had let it all out. Aggy bought each of us a hotdog for dinner and we all went home. The two wished me the best of luck. I felt so grateful to have such friends!

When I got home, I told Nana that I had already ate and what Coach Taylor had said. While I was busy doing my work, I could hear the faint sounds of our phone ringing. Nana picked it up and handed the phone to me. It was Stephanie Dodges. She offered me a room in the dorm, full catering and a paid plane ticket. The catch was that I was to pay it all off once I had gotten my job as a gymnast. I also had to leave Australia in 5 days.I was so stoked and I thanked her for her kindness.

After I hung up, Nana and I squealed together. I was so lucky! We ate ice-cream and chips. I felt blessed. I bet my parents would have been so proud of me!

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