A Dreadful Day Ahead

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A Dreadful Day Ahead

Chapter 16

Simon's POV

    The next day..

     I drive Demi to the studio today to protect from the aggressive paparazzi. I can handle them by merely flipping them off, but they'll try to tear Demi apart. Obviously, I won't let any such thing happen. 

10 minutes later...

     I let Demi out of the car and guard her with my life. Paparazzi swarm in on us at all angles. Demi ends up getting tripped by a greasy middle aged man with a giant Canon camera. I take his camera and smash it. He spits in my face and I kick him in the balls. I use that temporary diversion to usher Demi into the studio. I watch her run and turn back to me once with a grateful expression on her face. 

       "Listen up paps, you won't be going near Demi at all today. I don't care if I have to snap your necks or legs. She has been through hell and I'm not going to let you savages try to break her when she's only just pulling herself out of the ocean. Is that clear?" They slowly begin to leave one by one. I stay in place until every last once goes back to the holes that they crawled out of. Eventually, they're all gone and I'm able to head to work for the day. 

At Work....

    My secretary Barbara throws piles of papers on my desk. I give her a confused look. "What's all of this for?" She puts her hands on her hips. "Oh don't even ask me that Simon. You chose to take a day off to make love to your little girlfriend. Obviously you have to come back to reality at some point." "Aw Barbara, I take it you haven't been getting laid lately. That's such a tragedy." She makes a sound of disgust. "You're a pig." I laugh. "I may be a pig in your eyes, but to the world I'm the man that little boys only dream of becoming.  Now run along if you still want to keep your job." That gets her to leave my office quickly. 

    When she's gone, I let out a built up sigh. This is going to be a dreadful day already. I can smell the doom all around me and it's only ten in the morning. 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary 

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