You Are Worth The Wait

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You Are Worth The Wait

Chapter 30

Nick's POV

        Simon is talking with the crew and helping them put away equipment. He waves at me and walks past me carrying several boxes. I see Demi sitting by herself off on the side. I take the opportunity to get a moment with her. "Hey Demi. Is everything okay?" She pulls out her headphones and smiles. I'm okay Nick. I was just FaceTiming Ariana Grande. What's up?" I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly. "Can we talk in private?" She grabs her purse and follows me into my dressing room. Simon raises an eyebrow at us, but doesn't make anything of it. 

        I let Demi in the room and close the door. I motion for her to sit next to me on the couch. "Demi there is something that I've been wanting to tell you for awhile, but I don't even know if I should to begin with. I figured that I might as well. After all, I have nothing to lose but tainted pride." I take a deep breath. "Demi I'm in love with you. I have been for years now. I know that you're with Simon and the two of you are wonderful together, but sometimes it's hard having to shove my feelings down as if they don't exist."

       Demi looks at me with total shock. "Nick.... I don't know what to say. This is so sudden." "I know Demi. I'm so deeply sorry for throwing this at you especially when you're with another man, but I needed to be honest. Just saying those words aloud makes me feel better. I promise I'm not going to make any moves on you. You and I both know that I'm better than that. So, I'm going to leave you this one last thought, which is that I hope that Simon and you do last, but if on the slightest chance that you don't, I'll be waiting for you. I'll even wait years for you if I have to because Demi Lovato you are worth the wait." I pat Demi on the back and leave her to reflect for a bit in my dressing room. When I step out, I bump heads with Simon.

      "Sorry Simon. I didn't watch where I was going." He laughs. "It's okay Nick. Actually I was hoping I'd run into you. I was wondering what's going on with Demi." A lump forms in my throat. "Nothing is going on. Demi and I just had to discuss something in private." "I'm glad that she's okay. Do you mind if I go see her?" I step aside. "Not at all. I'll meet you guys back at the tour bus." 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary



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