Druken Mad

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Drunken Mad

Chapter 37

Demi's POV

     At the wedding reception....

       Simon and I decided a few weeks ago to have our wedding reception in the ballroom of the Sheraton in downtown L.A. It's a room that hosts some of the biggest parties of the year. The ballroom has balloons,streamers, and pictures galore. It's truly stunning. 

      I'm glancing over at Simon who's been downing vodka after vodka. Ariana keeps telling me to relax, but I know how Simon gets when he's drunk. Simon is not an abusive drunk, but he often gets quite weepy and depressed. I hate to see Simon in that condition. I excuse myself from Ariana and end up slamming into Nick. "Nick I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going." He smiles. "It's okay Demi." He searches my face for a few seconds and frowns. "Something's wrong isn't there?" "No... why do you ask?" "Demi I know when you're upset. What's going on?" I sigh. "Simon's had one too many Vodka's and I'm worried." "I'll go check on him Demi. Go back to Ariana. She wants to spend time with you." I pull him in for a hug. "Thank you. Let me know how he is." 

        Nick's POV 

        I stay where I am until I see that Demi is back with Ariana. I dash to the bar just in time to catch a wobbling Simon. "Easy there big guy. You'll fall flat on your face." "Nicckkkkkk.... (He's slurring his words as you can probably tell) I'm fineeee. I waaasss just quenching my thirst. I'm good to drive home tonight and I'm happy." He tries to grab another glass and I swat it from him so fast it shatters to the floor. Anger flashes in his eyes. "You think you're such a big shot don't you? You play innocent around Demi, but we both know you're never going to give up on her. In fact, you're probably acting as the hero right now aren't you?" 

       "Simon, you're drunk. You don't know what you're talking about. He grabs an empty glass and throws it. "I know exactly what I'm talking about. I don't need to be sober to know that you're a little shit." The whole room goes silent and a thousand eyes are on us. Demi looks like she's about to have an anxiety attack. "Demi! Don't worry, I got this under control." Simon grabs me by my shirt and pins me to the wall. "See.... thhhhattt's exactly what I mean. You're tryingggggg to be the hero. Weeeelllll I hate you Nick. I didn't use to be I do now. Get the hell out of here." Demi appears by my side. "Yes Simon, Nick will be leaving but so will I." I take my arm out for Demi and we leave the ballroom. Ariana follows us in pursuit and the three of us go to my place so we can talk in peace and quiet. 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary

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