On The Road

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On The Road

Chapter 28

Simon's POV

    Our first concert is tonight in San Francisco. It's only a few hours from L.A., but it's an area of I've always wanted to explore more. It's pretty well known for it's cultural charm, trolley service, and the Golden Gate Bridge. "Demi. How far are we from San Francisco?" Nick ends up answering. "About two more hours Simon." "Are you Demi?" He laughs. "No clearly I'm not. I just thought I'd answer because she's taking a shower. I didn't want you to feel neglected." "Glad I can always count on you Nick." He smiles and goes back to texting and whatever else he's doing on his phone. 

    I quietly sneak past Nick into the bathroom. I sit on the toilet and wait for Demi to get out of the shower. She does a couple minute later. She screams a bit and I gently cover her mouth. "Please don't freak out. It's just me." She swats me and wraps herself in a towel. "Don't scare me like that old man. You know many would consider you a pervert, but I personally think it's hot." She plays with my arms. "Say speaking of hot things, I have a great idea. Get in the shower for me. We could have a nice makeout session like young kids. What do you say?" I throw my clothes off and jump in. 

      Demi turns on the hot water and I press her up against the railing. She runs her fingers roughly through my hair while I nearly moan as she twists her tongue around in my mouth in the sexy way I love. We continue this ritual for another twenty minutes before getting out. I grin at Demi. "Not only are you amazing in bed Demi, but you're also amazing in the shower. We should do that more often." She laughs. "I agree. Now let's get out of here before Nick gets too suspicious." I think she spoke too soon because as soon as I open the door, Nick is standing there with a funny look on his face.

     "Look you guys, I don't mind you guys being in love, but please don't have makeout sessions and/or sex anywhere you feel like it. Other people have to use the bathroom too." I taunt him Nick. "Oh come Nick. You don't want to hear about how we...." Nick covers his ears like a child who hates loud noises. "No thank you! In fact, I'm going to pretend I never heard any of that." As soon as he heads back to his room, Demi and I burst into laughter. This is going to be quite an adventure.

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary

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