Honeymoon Here We Come

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Honeymoon Here We Come

Chapter 41 

Demi's POV

   A month later.. 

       Simon is reading on the sofa. "Simon, are you free to talk to for a minute?" He puts down his book and motions for me to sit beside him. "I've been thinking long and hard about this, but I want to go on our honey moon soon. You've been wonderful the past two months. You've been behaving well, not beating people up, and going to all of your AA meetings. What do you think?" He brightens instantly. "I'd love that. Just pick a place and we'll book the reservations." 

     "How does Hawaii sound?  I know it's where so many couples good, but there's just something special about it." "That sounds perfect love. I'll make the reservations for two weeks from now. I have to put in notice at work to get someone to cover for me. You should probably do the same to the people at the studio." I nod. "I can't wait. Hawaii is going to be amazing. There's so much to do and see. Not to mention the hotel rooms are to die for. It's truly going to paradise." Simon puts his arm around me. "All I need to be in paradise is to be beside you." I blush and lie my head on his shoulder. These two weeks better go by fast. I'm so ready for Hawaii.

Sorry that this chapter is so short, but it's just a filler chapter! Hope you guys liked it though! :) -Mary

My Heart Lies With You (A Dimon fanfiction ft. Wilmer Valaderrama) Where stories live. Discover now