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Chapter 3

Simon's POV

      I motion for Demi to ring the doorbell, but seeing how nervous she suddenly got, I do it for her. A very pissed off Wilmer opens it a minute later. He looks at me with utter disgust but allows me to enter with Demi. "Wilmer, we need to have a little talk." "Oh Simon what on earth do WE possibly have to talk about? I don't like you. I never have and never will." I laugh. "The feeling is mutual, but this regards Demi. I'll try not to take up too much of your time." We gather in the living room and I'm the first one to speak.

      "Wilmer, as I was out with Demi for the evening, she was very tense at times. She told me that are quite jealous of me. I mean I don't blame you because well.. look at me." He rolls his eyes. "I also heard that you think that I am in love with Demi, which I refuse to comment on. If I did, that would be none of your business." He looks shell shocked. "Of course it is my damn business. If you are threatening to take my fiancee away from me, you have another thing coming Cowell." 

        I put my hands in the air in a mocking fashion. "No need to get so aggressive Valaderrama. Let me just get right to the point. You need to stop treating Demi like shit or I will kick your ass." Demi watches this entire scene in horror. "I think you need to leave Simon before I call someone to escort you out." I lean towards Wilmer. "I will leave when I know that Demi is going to be okay." 

      My face softens when I look towards Demi. "Brat, are you going to be okay?" She smiles. "I'm fine. Thank you for your concern Simon. I'll walk you out." She asks Wilmer if that's okay but gets no response. She shrugs it off. As we get to the door, she leans in towards me and whispers "Thank you for everything Simey. I'll text you later and reassure you that I'm okay before I go to bed." "Good." I make a bold move of kissing her on the cheek as I head out the door. She blushes and I laugh as I wave goodbye. As I drive home, I can't help but wonder how a rotten guy like Wilmer won over a perfect woman like Demi.

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary



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