What Awaits Me

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What Awaits Me

Chapter 2

Demi's POV

   That evening...

     I nervously glance at my phone every two minutes to check the time. There is still ten more minutes before Simon is due to pick me up. I don't know why I'm so nervous, but I am. Wilmer watches me pace the room and raises an eyebrow. He comes up to me and wraps his arms around me. I tense up a bit. "Demi, love, why are you so nervous?" I laugh awkwardly. "Nervous, no.... What makes you think that?" "You're pacing the room like a madwoman. Just relax. You're fine." 

      I sigh. "You're right Wilmer. I'm sorry for acting this way. It's just I haven't hung out with Simon in months and I don't want to make a bad impression or do anything stupid." He takes a step back. "Damn. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were trying to impress him, on purpose. I roll my eyes. "You're crazy Wilmer. Simon Cowell's an old man. He's not in love with me." 

      "Demi if you rewatched all of those X Factor moment videos on Youtube of you guys very closely, you could tell that he is at least attracted to you." A sound of disgust accidently escapes from my mouth. "I love you Wilmer, but you're being ridiculous. Simon and I have a father daughter relationship and friendship, nothing more. You've had this paranoia for months. Get over yourself." The air suddenly gets heavy. "With that being said, I'm going to wait for Simon, outside. I need some air." 

       I grab my purse and storm out of the house. A gust of wind nearly blows me away right as Simon pulls up. I try to hide my frustration at Wilmer. He steps out of the car to hug me. "Well if it isn't my favorite brat. You look great." I swat his arm before hugging him back. "You still look like an old man I see. It's nice to see things haven't changed." He looks horrified but laughs. "No you good Simon. Now I'd love to chat some more, but we can do that over food. I'm absolutely starving. Where are going?"

       Simon smirks. "That's a surprise." I groan. Simon loves to torture me because I'm one of the most impatient people on the planet. 

  10 minutes later... 

       We pull up to In-N- Out Burger. Man I love this place. I haven't had a burger from here in two weeks. Simon parks the car. "Now I normally prefer to eat fancier, but I know that this is one of your favorite restaurants so I thought I'd give it a try too." I look at him as if he has three heads. "You've never been to In-N-Out Burger? You have some serious issues. You might even need to be checked out by a doctor." Simon squeezes my nose as we go through the drive thru so there is less of a chance of us being recognized. 

      I order two cheeseburgers, a medium french fries, and a vanilla milkshake while Simon simply orders a hamburger and coke. When we get our food, Simon drives us across the street and parks at the beach, as close to the ocean as possible. We walk down to the beach with our food in tow. "Simon, if I'd have known we going to the beach, I would have brought a towel and other beach related things with me." Simon magically pulls one out of a backpack. "I've got us covered." He spreads the towel down and we both sit on it. 

      Simon pulls out his dinky order and I laugh. He pouts. "Why so basic old man?" He rolls his eyes, but grins. "I'm from the last century as you clearly said on one of our first ever X Factor tapings." "That feels like a lifetime ago. So much has changed for us since then. I've had two new albums, a world tour followed by one coming up soon, and being with Wilmer." Simon flinches at Wilmer's name. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry Simon. I know bringing him up makes you uncomfortable. Besides, I'm upset at him right now anyway and I don't even want to think about him. 

      A look of concern washes over Simon. "What'd he do?" I sigh. "He's paranoid about us being together. Every time I hang out with you, he turns into a monster. He stormed the house like a beast out of his cage. He kept saying "Simon is in love with you and he's going to take you away from me." I tried to stop it, but he was relentless. So I stormed out of the house. Look at me. We haven't been together in awhile and I'm going on and on about a boy. You don't need to listen to my petty problems."

     Simon gently grabs a hold of my hands. "Your problems are not petty Demi. I care about you  a lot. Old Simey will always be here to listen to your problems, share a laugh, or even hold if you should require it. As for Wilmer, if he hurts you badly in the future, I won't hesitate to kiss his ass." I laugh at that and so does Simon. 

     "Thank you Simon. I needed to her that. Anyways I think I have an idea on how to solve this problem." Simon nods, an indication for me to continue.  "Could you possibly come in with me when you drop me off for a few minutes and talk to Wilmer? He might back off if you did." I put my arm around her shoulder. "For you, anything." 

      We continue to talk about everything under the sun for the next two hours until the sun has just about set. "I should probably get home. This evening has been lovely and I'm ashamed that it has to end, but I can't run away from problems at home forever. I'd rather face Wilmer sooner rather than Wilmer." Simon helps me up off the ground and we head back to the car. Simon puts the key in the ignition and we head back to my house. I can't help but wonder what scene awaits me.

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary

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