I totally despise funerals

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Hey guys! It's been nearly  four years since I started writing the first chapter and I have to say it is cringy. A year ago I reread this book and cringed and cursed myself for writing this. I now realize the importance of this story.  I wrote this at a phase of my life when I was cringy(😂😂) but I can not hate on it because it has brought a lot of happiness to me.  I recently understood to accept this story as an important milestone in my life as people still message me saying how much this story made them laugh. At the end of the that's all that matters...

Maniks Pov
DEATH.. Something that visits you
Unexpectedly, gifts you undeniable sorrows and leaves you inconsolable. It didn't only take my dad but also half my soul.

Mukti slowly squeezes my hand " Manik .. I .. we". Every body trying to calm me down even when they know they'll fail.
"I will kill that Harshad".
" But how do you know Harshad did this, maybe its someone else" cabir exclaimed.
I choose to ignore his question. Every time that douche does something bad dad used to say " Karma will take Revenge", but today he crossed the limits. Today I AM KARMA.

Nandini Pov
If poison expires,  does it become more poisionous?  If you are 'half scared to death' twice,  does that mean you die"?

"Ouch" I cry out.  I just slipped on my bathroom floor. I think I just sprained my leg. I slowly get thanking no one was around .

Of course there is no one around,  you are in the shower.

I know I am a little weird. Maybe more than a little.

I am nandini murthy. Its not the best name but in US not everyone one has this name. So people never forget me. I am not very short but...... Ugh fine I am very short. But I find it as an advantage because finding a tall guy for me isn't that hard. Hehe. I have a black belt in sarcasm and optimism. Yes I plan to write that on my resume.
I love singing. Next month I am going to India to join the biggest music college, SPACE ACADEMY.

As I spend a lot of years in US,  I suck at hindi".

" Kanna! Who are you talking to"?
Aiyappa! Amms might be thinking I got mad. I rush downstairs to see Amms in her usual south Indian saree but she is talking to someone on the phone. Her face has a serious expression. " I hope everything is fine." She hangs up the call. "Kanna, there is bad news. Malhotra uncle passed away"

. A pang of emotions took over me. Malhotra uncle and dad were best friends. He was someone I always looked upto.
He was also Space academy's trustee. More than all of these he was my effin bestie. Whenever he came to US, he used to come here and he used to tell all the tales of him and appa's friendship.
" kanna , I know how you must be feeling. Do one thing, I'll book your tickets to India. Anyway you were going next month, you stay with chachi and chacha". I quickly nod. I pack my bag and amms calls me. I don't let anyone see me crying. I am happy when everyone around me are happy. " Nandu, your tickets are booked for today night and I haven't informed chacha and chachi about your early departure. Let them be surprised". " ok amms" I reply.
I board my flight.
Cabirs Pov
I am trying my best to calm Manik down. He surely will kill that harshad. He is really impulsive.
I see my phone's light flashing. I open to see Alyas text
Guys meet me outside. Don't call manik.
I walk outside to meet Alya, dhruv and mukti
Author's POV
Alya- guys, manik seriously thinks bhai can do all this. How can he even think like that?
Mukti- really alya, you still trust your bhai.
Dhruv- mukti, I don't know. I don't think he would seep down to that level.
Cabir- oh thats what I also felt before he spoiled my life and family
Alya- fine.. yes he did that, but this is a whole new level. He wouldn't kill anyone.
Mukti- its harshad, we cant trust him
Alya- you guys don't have any. proof against him.
Mukti's voice of protests were interupted by cabirs talk
Cabir- guys, we shouldn't talk about this. It would only bring an impact on our friendship.
Alya- yes cabir, I understand but I can't let my impulsive friend kill my brother. He is just over reacting.
Maniks Pov
I walk outside for some fresh air and some piece of mind to hear alya shout " yes cabir I understand, but I can't let my impulsive friend kill my brother. He is just over reacting" Her own bhai killed my father and she calls me impulsive and says I am over reacting. How can alya be so emotionless? " So I am just over reacting? Seriously Alya?". Fab four turns around to face me. " no manik I didn't mean it that way" alya said. I don't want to burst out her. I rush towards my room. I could hear cabir and mukti calling me. " buddy, she didn't mean to say that", dhruv said. " guys I need some piece of mind, please leave me alone".

Sometimes when you have no one to rely on, stars are always there.

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