Kadava ladoo is here!

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Nandini's POV

For the past ten minutes manik and I am in our room. He can't stop laughing.
He has been continuously laughing recalling all the three.

"Manik stop, you are becoming just like nutcracker now" I say.
Suddenly his laugh turns into a scowl.
"Don't you dare compare me with that nutcase" he says glaring daggers at me.
I hear a knock on the door.
"I will open it" manik says.

As soon as he opens a girl jumps inside the room.
Shit kadava ladoo is here. She is the most annoying person in the whole freakin universe.

"Hi nandu, who this. He hot. Ulala. Tell me." She asks.
Suddenly all the three also joins us.

Before I can open my mouth, you know who opened.
"Soha. No dirty tricks. That is Nandini ka boyfriend. No be naughty. n leave alone them." She says.

"Manik ...." I say to soha.

"Oh that is a sweetie. She say its okay if Manik talk with Soha" assumption says.

Why do I even try.

"First soha you go and change till that time we can have a chat with Manik.

Its been half an hour since poor manik is surrounded by the three. Soha for God sake hasn't come out yet.

I should help him.

"Manik, manik, can you please some here" I call out.

His face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Excuse me"manik says and sprints to the room.
He closes the door and tackles me into a hug.

"Thank you my dear friend" manik said.

"I just felt sympathetic and decided to be empathetic" I said.

"For the first time you did something that is not pathetic."

I playfully slap his arm.

"You know if I stayed there for one more minute the lady would have assumed that my mom is the president of India, The nutcracker wouldn't stop laughing and the mrs. Salaah kept on advicing me about having a girl friend.

I can hardly understand their English.
I felt like cracking nutcracker. Stuffing mrs. Salaah's mouth with a cloth. I still didn't have any ideas for making Mrs. Assumption stop" manik says looking irritated.

I couldn't help but laugh at his condition. He glares at me and I stop laughing.

"Manik, how about we do some yoga. It would divert our mind. We could do partner yoga, so you can make sure I don't injure myself." I suggest.

"Fine" he says and we take our yogaa mats and go out. We sit down and meditate chanting "om".

I heard some whispers and saw soha and family.

Manik also opens his eyes.

"You know Manik we have seen om shanti om two times" soha says trying to impress manik.

I don't know how she came up with that. One more thing about this family: they crack lame jokes and laugh for it.
Manik look at me with a help me wala expression and fake smiles at Soha.
Nutcracker laughs.

Nutcracker laughs

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