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Nandini's POV

I still wonder why I like manik.

He is arrogant
And aggressive
And irritating
And annoying
And stupid
And hot
And cute
And sweet
And protective
And caring
And hot
And hot
Where was I ?

Oh I was trying to talk bad about manik.

I can't even talk bad about him. This is so frustrating.
God I hate him for this.

"Nandini" I hear manik who is standing in a black t-shirt and blue jeans with a jacket on top.

God I love him for this.

"Hmmm" I say and jump up.

"Shit, I have to go for shopping with Fawad now" I scream.

"Ummm, a small correction. We all have to go for shopping with Fawad" manik says making me confused.

"No guys . Grandma changed plans. She told me to inform you that you have. She called Fawad and told that she arranged a date for riddhima and him in our farm house. I also got to know that dada ji is not happy with the plan. So he is going to spy on you two. We are in total trouble" Cabir says proving manik and me wrong.

Manik looks too angry and frustrated.

We all leave the day to destiny and change. We all decide to go.
"Are you excited"? Manik asks sarcastically.

"More than buying an ice cream" I say to irk him.
He looks pretty pissed off. Plan successful.

We all speed off to the farm house.
I notice Fawad standing with a girl. She was continuously taking selfies. He waves at me and soon his smile is replaced by a frown.

"Hi" he says awkwardly and whispers "I thought we were going on a date alone".

"Oh, I didn't know this was a date. Sorry" I lie making him frown.

"It's okay. Umm this is my sister Rose khurrana. She came for meeting you. She can join the others  in the garden while we  go have lunch date." He says making  Manik scowl.

He brought his sister and he is unhappy because I bought my friends.

Cabirs POV

I smirk seeing Manik scowling at Fawad.
I turn around to hear a small whimper.

I turn around to see dada ji peeping inside. I scoot closer to him, without him noticing.

I hear him say" what is Nandini doing with Fawad. There is something fishy going on here. I can't hear anything.".

I have to do something or else our condition will be worser than my cooking.

I move towards riddhima and inform her.

"Come Nandini, lets go. Bye guys." Fawad says.

Suddenly, riddhima jumps in and says "wait!!" .

"What happened"? He asks.
"Wo actually... truly.... you... I .. you look nice... but there is p...paint on your hair" she lies.

I distract Rose from looking. I indulge her into a conversation of selfies.

"What? Shit! Could someone guide me to the washroom" he asks looking at Nandini.

"I can" riddhima says quickly. 
They both walk away.

As Fawad goes to the washroom ridz walks towards me.
Rose's POV. ( in this POV Nandini will be called as riddhima and riddhima as Nandini. Read carefully)

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