Like a puzzle

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I know, I got my moms old phone. Its okay.
This update is dedicated to all those readers and their loved ones . I would like to give a shout out to my bff's book "quotes. Plz do check it out.

It neither was silent nor noisy. Nurses and patients strolling through the corridor, not sparing a glance at us . The nurses exit and enter the door and occasionally by the doctor too.

There wasn't any use of going behind them for asking for Manik's well being. They would surely inform us.

Everything about yesterday was a beautiful memory until the incident in the terrace. I am completely positive that Manik didn't injure himself by falling but by getting attacked . The thought of yesterday nights incident brings back the fact that I heard a person running.

I don't know who it might be . Everyone had brought Manik to the hospital after hearing my scream. Nyonika aunty was totally traumatised for a few hours. I had been successful in making her sure that Manik would be alright.

Suddenly the doctor who had entered manik's room exits and calls us .

"Manik is alright. He didn't have any external bleeding,so we had him checked for any internal bleeding. He seems alright. The only problem is he has dislocated his arm. He is in deep sedation, but he will soon wake up. Only one person can stay overnight but now everyone can enter and stay with him.' The doctor says with a smile on his face still keeping his eyes fixed on Maniks file.
Nyonika aunty,Dada ji, grandma and I enter the room.

The aroma in the room brings in all the bad memories I have spent in a hospital. Now this would add on to the list of bad memories.

Dada ji isn't an emotional person. He is somewhat like me. He soon exits as the atmosphere was too emotional for him to handle. Grandma wipes her tears and places a get well soon card on the side table .

" Dude, you had promised to play x box with me " she jokes to lighten the mood.
Nyonika aunty had already bursted out crying.

After nearly an hour, everyone had visited Manik and everyone else managed to take Nyonika aunty return home,so she could take rest.

I had decided to stay. As they all left, I grabbed some breakfast and returned to the room.

"You idiot, its time to wake up " I say to an unconscious Manik.

"Are you ignoring me , Mr. Malhotra" I ask trying to make a conversation with the silence.

"Manik, please wake up . I hate to confess that it isn't the same without you." I rant.

"I missing my silly nickname . OK .. Fine. It isn't silly, in fact its really cute" I mumble having a pout on my face .

I stop my rants, realising that I am having a conversation with no one.

"Is it okay if I call you boyfriend from now on without you glaring daggers at me" I hear Maniks cracked voice. This makes me look at him instantaneously.

"Manik! You're awake"? I ask.

" No, I am in coma" I hear his sarcasm.

I ignore his sarcasm and hug him. Without hurting his hand.

He soon wraps his fully normal hand around me and I mumble " I missed you. You know how boring it is to stay without talking with you. "

"So, you were sad because you had no one to talk too and not because I was hurt" Manik asks with an amused expression.
"No Manik. Who told I was sad" I ask with a fake serious look.

Manik frowns and I say "why should I be sad I was sure you would be alright because I know that you can't survive without me for a day"

" I knew it already" Manik says

" knew what?" I ask

"That you missed me " Manik completes.

"And how do you know that I missed you" I ask.

" i knew it from the way you hugged me, you really dislocated my normal hand" he says making me chuckle.

"Waise. There are so many other things that I need for surviving " Manik says with a smirking. He pulls me with his other hand making me sit on his bed. He slowly sits up on the bed.
He leans closer and I say " Mr. Malhotra are you forgetting your surroundings. We are in a hospital"

" Nandu. I did all those sweet things for you yesterday and this is what I get? " Manik asks with a puppy eyes.

" no Manik, I need rest and you need rest, goodnight. Sweet dreams. Sleep tight and let the bed bugs bite coz I don't want it to bite me" I say helping him in lying down.

" Nandini its eleven in the morning " Manik complains .

"You need rest and I am also tired. You look like an actor qualified for playing bhooth in bhoothnath 3. If I don't rest then I will be your heroine in the film " I joke but I am soon pulled into the patients bed next to Manik.

Before I can protest Manik wraps his one hand around me and closes his eyes.

I am not going to make a fuss.

After five minutes of sleep or let me say fake sleep, I sit up on the bed. I lied to Manik because he wouldn't rest unless I pull in some trick.

I am fed up. I am fed up giving fake smiles and saying ' he will be alright'.

I knew he would be okay. I kept saying I am strong and he is strong. I have to say sometimes its just hard . No,its always hard to see someone who you love more than life like this.

I don't know when tears trickle down.
As, i am about to wipe my years, Manik beats me to it. I turn to see him resting with a pillow behind and his hands were wiping my tears.

"You are very good at acting you know" Manik says.

"You are awake? So you were also faking sleep" I exclaim.

" If you are sad, then I will be sad. If you are happy then I am happy. If you are faking sleep, then I  should also be faking sleep" he says with a dramatic smile.

I sigh at his antics and suddenly his face becomes serious and he says "now tell me, why were you crying. "?

" I am tired, being the strong one . Once in while,the strong one has to take a break" I say and he pulls me towards his chest and wraps his hand around me.

I close my eyes and rest. After a fair amount of time, I stand up and say " you monkey. You put me in such a emotional situation. You know I can't handle such senti situations" I say dramatically.

"Did you call me a monkey? You know, you are potato faced donkey" Manik says.

"You are a coconut faced drumstick" I scream.
" you are a banana with cucumber head" I retort.

" you are a carrot nosed buffalo" I again scream.

" you are a tomato nosed reindeer"  Manik says.

"Awww. You are a monkey faced tuna fish " I again say with multiple emotions

" you are a sweet potato" Manik says softly.

"You are a bitter gaurd which is sweet" I say .

Manik looks at me with a confused expression " Nandu, I have a doubt ".

" why the hell are we fighting? " we ask at the same time.

We both laugh at the same time.

Whatever people say or feel about our relationship, we don't care. Cause there will be no one like us. We are unique.

Being different may make you face a lot of nasty comments but remember. Whatever happens,no one will forget you. Even if they want too.

Unless, they hit their head with a frying pan and get Alzheimer's.

I am crazy and you know it.

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