Hot headed couples.

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Thanks for the help with this chap biancarokz. This is a long chap


Manik's POV

"Guy's lets go home" mukti says.

"Every one is freaking out" dhruv says making me scared.

I guess I am doomed. Mom is going to be hell angry.

We all drive back to home enter the house.

"Manik Malhotra" I hear an angry voice.

I turn around to see grandma.

Thanks to God, it's not mom

"Mom, leave it. Let them go and change" mom says.

Shit the silent treatment.

"Mom....",I say.

"Nandu, go and change. Take him with you. I don't want to see him" her last sentence was merely audible.

What to do now?

Nandini pulls me along with her.

I get into the room and Nandini says
"I know Manik, aunty isn't talking to you. But we will convince her. Now, go change" .

What Will I do without this girl?

The brain answers " live a more peaceful life, where you would not be taken the police station".

Yup. I thing I noticed is she  put me in problems but she herself helped me out of it.

"Vaise Nandini, I told something yesterday in this same room. I said to be continued. Shall I continue?" I asked smirking.

"You are such a pervert" she says laughing and goes to the washroom.

After five minutes, we both go outside and Nandini says
"Mission persuade your mom begins"

"So now what" she asks.

"I thought you were supposed to say the plan" I say.

"Oh right" she says and continues "so the plan has,two steps.

Step one

I will think of a plan

Step two
We will exucute the plan.

How is my plan" ?

"Fantastically stupid" I mock.

She angrily pouts and says " idea"!


"How about we both think of the,plan"? She asks.

"Your not serious, right"? I ask.

"Totally serious" she says.

"One doubt. Were you born like this"? I ask sarcastically.

"Ya why" she asks trying to mimic Olaf from frozen.

"Okay whenever we plan, we should have plan A and plan B" I say.

"Yup, so plan A, will be exucuted by the one and only me" she says and walks towards the kitchen.

After five minutes she walks back to me disappointed.

"What happened Nandini? Did you go and praise my glory there. " I ask guessing the obvious.

"Ya, how did you know"? She asks.

"That's my usual trick" I say chuckling.

"Oh, why worry when I worry. Plan b" she says.

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