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Hi! I am Manik. Is this krishna moortys house" I ask
"You are?" I ask.
"I am sanjana moorty. Krishna moorty's wife. This is my daughter, Gayathri".


"Nandini you need not hide your emotions all the time. You know you are really selfless. You hide all your pain for others happiness. I assure you Nandini, you never need to hide it because because with you around my happiness can never fade
"Harshad, where are you" I should and turn to see Nandini missing.
"Nandini, where are you" I call out
I suddenly here Nandini 's muffled voice "Manik, help!".

"Harshad, if you lay your hands on you you would regret the day you were born."

Suddenly I hear Nandini scream.
***************************************** I know guys I haven't been updating regularly. I am a little busy.
Ok confession time : I am a lazy ass.

Plz sgow mercy on this lazy fellow.
Sincerely expecting forgivness,
Your rednosedreindeer

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