New story

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Guys, I am really sorry this isn't a update. I am really busy due to school.
In the last,update a few people asked me how I come up with the funny swearing.

I am telling you all honesty, at school the period before lunch break is so time consuming. I feel so hungry, that I start thinking of my story to distract myself. Obviously, the only thing that comes in my mind is food. So yup, thts how it is.

So I have a new plot for a manan ff. Sorry guys it won't be 30 days, 30 moments continuation.

The story is humor and romance. I haven't made a cover or title yet. Even silent readers, plz write ur opinions.

So here you go.

"I am unknown to you. I am unknown to this kid. You are unknown to us. So why don't we go on a unknown journey in this unknown city to find our unknown  destiny"?

One simple mysterious and intriguing request that flipped their life like a pancake.

Meet Manik, Manik Malhotra.
The impulsive, fun, cool guy.
He wasn't the perfect son. He broke ties from the norms and expectations from the society.

He was a rebel.

He was kicked out of his house for living the real life.
The only thing that he needed in his life- 'adventure'.

Meet Nandini, Nandini moorty.

She was everything that wasn't accepted by the society.

Submissive? Nah

Emotional fool? Nah.

What was she?

She was a rebel.

Only thing that she wanted in her life -'adventure'

What happens when Nandini meets an unknown kid, and decides to take her along after Nandini gets kicked off out of her house.
Or rather, she herself kicked her out.

When she meets manik, who was also in a new city seeking adventures, she makes a  request. A request that changed their lives.

Don't even think, that this is gonna be a serious ya cliche book.

How can something that I write  be serious? I am a joker.

Wait.... I just insulted myself.

Anyways, waiting for your valued opinions?

Ps: if you guys like it, I will start the story only after my current, on going book.

Enjoy. I will try to update soon.

Remember to miss me. :p

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