Let's talk about food, baby!

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Nandini POV

"Manik I am not going" I say
"Yes you are going" he says
"NO I am not going" I say.
"Yes you are going" he repeats.
"No I am not going" I repeated.
"I am going to record my reply and make you listen to it, cause its not changing" he says stubbornly.
"Pretty pretty please, with a cherry on the top" I plead with a pout.
"No, and I don't like cherry " he says.

Who doesn't like cherry. Oh, I myself hate it.
"Then strawberry on the top?" I ask
"I don't like it" he says.
"Mango?" I try again .
"No" he repeats.
"Then what the hell do you like" I nearly shout.

"Ignoring the fact that we are having a pretty pointless conversation, lemme say I love bananas" he says.
"You like bananas? Eww, I hate it" I say.

"Don't you think we forgot the topic of the conversation. That is you are going home." He says.
"No Manik, why do you want me to go. Is it because its dangerous?
Then manik my answer is still a no because I am not going home.
Last time when you were in the hospital did I force you to go back. No, even after realizing that this is very dangerous because I knew we could take care of each other. Whatever the problem is we face it together. I am not going back . I am not leaving you" I say

There was complete silence. Let me just my inspirational speech made Manik speeches. I am so talented. I need to break this silence.
"Manik" I whisper.

He looks at me.
"Are you still adamant on your decision that you wont buy me nan and chicken tikka masala?" I ask innocently.

"You are impossible" he says bursting out laughing.
"Aren't you going to ask me about decision, whether I am going or not" manik asks.

"No because I wasn't asking you I was telling you the truth" I mock.

It was 11 in the morning.

"Manik, I am going to take a nap" I say closing my eyes

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"Manik, I am going to take a nap" I say closing my eyes.


" Nandini,wake up" I heard a voice.
I shift around in my sleep.
I slowly open my eyes to see Manik.
"Its lunch time" he says.
Before I could say anything he interrupts me saying "and no you can't have chicken tikka masala and nan"

"I have moved on" I say looking serious.
"Thank god" he says raising both his hands in the air.
"I would rather have some biriyani" I try to irk him.

"Can we have a single conversation that does not include food in it" he says.
" I will think about it" I taunt.

"I am totally bored" I say
"Lets have a race" I suggest.
"What! YOU need rest" he says.
"Either you are going to race me or you have to chase me. Your choice race or chase. That rhymed." I say delightfully.

"I know I am very talented" I boast.

"You love yourself very much, right?" He asks.
"Yes. If you don't love yourself, then how can someone else love you. Why bring complications in life by not being content with your life. Be happy, spread happiness" I say.

"Such an inspirational speech" he mocks.

"Did anything in my speech, motivate you to change your decision in racing me" I ask .

"No, not yet. I would surely notify it, when I get motivated." He teases me back.

"Now have this medicines" he says.
I take all the medicines.
"I thought you would fuss about it"manik says looking a little surprised.

"I don't know why people fuss about taking medicines, its just a matter of taking it and gulping it down. I don't know whats the big deal in it. . People are too lazy to even gulp down medicines. Where is our world going to end up" I say dramatically.

Manik decided to shrugg it by chuckling.

"Now eat the soup" Manik says.
"Oh did you make it"? I asked like an excited puppy.

"Just for your information, I am not your chef. I am too lazy to cook" he declares.
After a few minutes, manik is literally pouring a bowl of soup down my throat.
And what inspired him to do that? Let's just say I made him close his eyes and poured down a spoon of hot soup inside his shirt.

Is that a good reason ?

I am evil. But manik is eviler.
Is that a word "eviler". No.

Soon I drifted to sleep and woke up at seven in the evening.
Oh I had a small nap. A very small nap.

"Oh sleeping beauty has woken up" Manik exclaims sarcastically.

I shrugg and rub my eyes. My head pains.
"You fine" he asks with worry written all over his face.
"Yup." I say with a huge smile.

I may be looking like a zombie.

"Anyways lets recall what we did today.

We had a discussion on food.
We had a discussion on food.
We had a discussion on food.
We had......"

"I get it. We only talked about food. Now, I am sleepy. We have a fun day Ahead"

"Oh does that mean I get to eat naan and chicken tikka masala" I say excitedly

"One more time you mention, I will make sure that, I will make you eat hospital food for a full whole month" manik threatened.

Oh no. You take my food I take your life. I can never move on from good food.
I better not talk to him about food ANYMORE.
I am hungry. Btw When am I not hungry.
I am a foodie. Okay, ignoring the fact that I am talking random stuff let me just say. Vote and comment.

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