Tip Tip barsa pani. Pani me aag lagayi

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Nandini POV

(A/N: I simply added this. It actually has no connection to the chapter other than the fact its sooooo cute)
Oh, just shutup Nandini!" Manik shouted.

"No, you shut up Manik. You know, you are such a monster. Jerk its because of your ego, you didn't want to go to that dhabha. You are an egoistic monster.

"Oh hello, you are egoistic" manik said scowling at my comment.

"Says the guy who has ego as big as China" I taunt.
We both stayed in silence for a minute looking at each other. Soon we both burst out laughing.
"Nandini, how do you make jokes while fighting ?" He says between his laughs.

"I guess I am born talented." I joke.

I look outside to see the bad climate.
"Shit manik, its raining"
"I love rain" manik says.
"I hate rain"I say
"Then we are definitely playing in the rain" he says with a wicked smile.

He gets out of the car and asks me to go, but my stuborn lazy ass is so useless.
He opens the door and says
"So Nandini, you want this the hard way or the easy way? Its gonna be fun."manik says revealing his drenching wet appearance.
"Over my dead body" I lamely muse.
"Okay, the hard way" manik says lifting me up in bridal style.
"Manik, put me down" I cry hitting Manik."
"Fine"he says dropping me on the ground. Wow that hurts.
"Manik" I shout glaring daggers at him.
"What? You told me to put you down. I did so" he says acting innocent.

(A/N: According to this video manan get very close. But this does not happen. This is just for entertainment. I miss ky2.. )

I start hitting manik and he suddenly grabs my arms and pulls me closer to him. My eye locks with eyes. He suddenly cups my face with both hands.
He pushes away the hair that had fallen to my face. Realising our proximity, we both pull apart.
I break the awkward atmosphere by saying" we should change, before.. we catch a cold."

Manik's POV

What the hell is wrong with me. Why do I end up close to her. We both notice a small hotel nearby and go to the reception.
"Hello, we need two rooms"
"Entha? " he said in malayalam looking at Nandini
Suddenly a girl, who I think is the staff their comes to us and says " hi sir, hi mam. Welcome. I know english. So you need two rooms."
"Ya" Nandini says.
"My name is Athira Menon" she says.
Nandini and the girl were having a conversation but my attention was on the receptionist guy who was continuously gazing at Nandini.
I looked at Nandini and him and saw she had wet clothes. I removed my coat and passed it to Nandini. She stared at me and for some time and understood.

I saw Nandini standing uncomfortably and understood the guy had not stopped gazing at her.

Cultureless fool. I had enough. I bang my palms on the table to earn attention from everyone.
"Athira, could you tell your friend here, that he's gotta think before looking, or else  he will  regret it" I say pointing at him. Nandini chuckles and Athira apologizes on his behalf

It was nearly eight at night. The travel to Kerala was pretty long. It is  quite a cool at night.

I was carrying my bag and helping Nandini with her. We got adjacent rooms which were connected.
I changed into trouser and t-shirt.
"Manik, manik" I heard Nandini calling. I entered her room to see her tangles in a saree.
"What the hell happened here" I ask with irritation.
"I forgot to pack my night wear from the wedding. Its quite cold here and saree is the only option. I tried wearing it but I failed." She said sounding upset.

"Weren't you the one who preached to me that' just because I am a foreigner, doesn't mean that I can't wear a saree'".

"Actually, navya helped me that day. I was just acting smart. Please help na" she said pouting.

Well, let me say who can resist Nandini Moorty's pout.
After five minutes I totally regret my decision because one end of the saree is draped around my neck and he around her.
"Remind me, why I decided to help you" I said.
"Because I am irresistible" she joked.

"I quit. I'll  give you some of my clothes.
Fir the first time in forever, she didn't argue.
And that ladies and gentlemen is an achievement.

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