Best rubbish ever!

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Officially the best birthday ever.

Abhimanyu's POV

"What is your problem manik"? Nandini shouts waking me up.

"Hmmnmmmmnnn"manik hums rubbing his eyes. He stays like a statue.

"You idiot! You know guys what he did" I say looking at my friends.

"What?"we all ask.

"He called me at midnight and said some rubbish and went to sleep" Nandini complaints.

What the hell is wrong with this guy? Did my cousin start sleep talking?

"Why are you silent manik? India wants to know?" Cabir asks .

"Ummm. Good morning ! saeng-il chugha"

"See he is again speaking rubbish again. I am going" she says and walks away. Cranky Nandini's so boring and fun at the same time.

Nandini's POV

Idiot manik! I am so excited for tomorrow! Tomorrow's my birthday.
I hope these guys know.

"Hi" I hear a girl and turn to see the five girls.

"I am kamini" she says.

"I am shalini" girl on the left side said.

"I am mohini" girl on right side.
"I am padmini" the girl on  righter most side.

"And I yamini" said the girl on the left end.

"I am Nandini Moorty" I say and smile at them.

"We heard that you and Manik are dating " all of themI asked.

Do they always talk together. Frea

"When, I am not dating him" I say impulsively.

"What" the again exclaim in unison.

Do they always talk together. Freaky.

"What I meant is that I am not dating but  I am loving him" I say.
Bach gaya nandu.

" tell us  about you. Your lovestory and all" yamini asks.

Now what? Why did I  get out of that room.

"Ugh. I studied in US. I am joining SPACE ACADEMY next month as Manik's junior. We met at.... ummm  the bus stop " I  says.

"Manik.. at a bus stop.. like seriously" they ask.

"Let me complete we met at a super market near the bus stop."

"And what were you guys doing at a super market"? Shalini asks.

Oh, I was just hunting elephants. Obviously shopping duh . Now I have got to say something specific.

"I was buying toilet brush" I blurt out.

Amazing! What a civilized thing I could say.

What is do bad about  toilet brushes anyway.

"what was Manik doing there?" Padmini asks.

"Oh he was buying.... umm hmm tooth brush" I say.

"Toothbrush. Like seriously. You expect us to believe that"?yamini asks.

"You don't know manik. He is a neatness and hygiene freak.  He was wearing a mask because his tooth paste broke. I found him looking very funny. We both.... umm became enemies and hated each other. You know its a thin line between love and hate." I say and excuse my self.

I rushed towards the bedroom to see manik using his laptop with a rose in his left hand.

"na écheis mia evlogiméni méra. Here you go" he says.
I was pissed off with his rubbish talks but his sweet gesture cooled me down"

"Manik what the hell are you saying. I am already pissed off. Whats gotten into you"? I ask angrily.

"Nothing my dear." Manik flirts.

"Why are you irritating me? I ask
"Bi chamd tsochrooj durtai " he says

"Stop" I shout and start hitting him. He pulls me closer and now I am on top of him. I keep on beating him. Suddenly he grabs my both hands making me stop hitting him. He flips me around and now I am on top of him and he whispers " saeng-il chugha means happy birthday, "na écheis mia evlogiméni méra means have a blessed day and I love irritating you because Bi chamd tsochrooj durtai that means I love to irritate you"

He leans closer and closer and cups my face and pecks my neck and cheek and murmurs " I purposely reset your calender. Today is 29 April. Happy birthday Nandu".

"So its my birthday today" I exclaim straightening my position trying to shrugg the blush that had overtaken my face.

"Your allowed to blush nandu" manik naughtily says smirking.

"Why will I blush. There is nothing to blush about" I say not making eye contact.

Manik slips his hand around my waist and pulls me closer circles his finger around my waist and pecks my forehead and cheeks and says "now you have reason to blush".

Okay now I am blushing profusely.
"A very happy birthday. Many more suprises to be discovered" manik says walking away.

Manik is special. Very special. Maybe more than a friend.

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