Strictly only for entertainment purposes

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Nandini POV

"Nandu beta, where do you study"? Nutcracker asked me.
"Next month I am joining SPACE ACADEMY. " I say proudly.
"Oh I have heard of it. Isn't it the best music college in India" nutcracker asks.

"Yeah" I replied
"I am powder of you my dear" he says.

"Powder.... oh you meant proud. Hehe" I say while laughing.
Nutcracker laughs. When does he not laugh.

I turn around to see manik with a tired expression. I know why he is tired. Kadva ladoo is interviewing him.

"Manik where do you live?
What is your mother's name?
When is your birthday?
Why is the moon so bright?
Why do starts twinkle at night?
Why do fireflies have light?" Soha interrogates.

"Soha, may I remind you manik is a human not an encyclopedia." I say and manik chuckles.

She shrugs off my comment and says " manik, I made a superb dish. I will bring. Now. Wait"

She walks into the kitchen and rushes back with two dishes. I must honestly say, it looked fabulous.

 I must honestly say, it looked fabulous

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"I am sure this will be

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"I am sure this will be ...." soha says but gets interrupted.

"Sir, please say how it is. I made it " cook says.

I laugh at her humiliation and soha is red in embarrassment.

We both taste the food. A mixture of flavors explode in my mouth.
"Omg this taste amazing" I exclaim.

"I love this" manik says.

We thank the cook and we both sit at the hall. It is really silent in here. I can't believe just four people can ruin silence.

Then there comes mrs. Assumption to take away the silence.
"Hey!What are you both doing?" She asks.
"We ...."
"Oh sorry, you both are romancing. Naughty! Naughty!" She runs away saying.
There she going restoring the silence. But an awkward silence.

Then comes soha aka kadva ladoo to entertain Manik and piss me off.

"Manik, you didn't finish saying what you want in girl" soha asks.

This is gonna be funny.

"Hmm. Okay. She should be intelligent" manik says with an evil grin.

Now soha is a source of entertainment.

"Manik, ask me any question, I answer. You know I got 80% in fifth standard" soha says with an overconfident smile.

"Let Nandini ask" manik says.
"Ok, acknowledging the fact that you got 50% in tenth and quit your studies in tenth let me ask you an easy one.

Which are the four seasons?" I ask chuckling.

"That's a very easy question but a hard answer.
But I told I was brilliant. I know answer. The answer is salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar" soha says making us erupt into giggles.

"Soha.. I didn't mean that seasons" I say between my giggles.

"What"? She asks TOTALLY confused.

"No, you won't understand. Let me just say your brain needs more brain in it." I say and manik interupts and says
"Next, she should be able to understand my feelings and comfort me"

Before she could do any stupidity mrs. Salaah calls her.

It's nearly dawn, its been nearly a week with Manik. I never thought, I would grow close to Manik. I walk past the rooms and I see Manik in it with soha disturbing her.

"Soha, can you please do me favor" I ask.
" sure. You brought Manik for me. I would do anything for you" soha says

"I need you to go and look outside and count the number of crows" I say and manik looks at me with a confused face.

"Oh that's my favorite game" soha says and runs out of the room.

"What was that?"manik asks.
"That's just a game I always make her play to divert her from disturbing me."
"Are you okay manik?" I ask
"Ya" manik says.
"Manik, you can lie to me but not to yourself" I say.
"Its nothing, I just remembered about dad" he says.
I hug him and says "everything is going to be fine. Why worry, when Nandini moorty is here".

Manik chuckles and a smirk forms on his lips.

"Nandini, why did you want to divert her now" manik asks

"Si...simply. no rea...reason" I say.

"I know why. Why are you jealous of soha" manik asks giggling.
"I am not jealous" I say.
"You can lie to me but not to yourself" he mocks.
"Fine, I am jealous" I nearly shout.

"Nandu, when soha asked me what I want in a girl. I never lied. I told I want a girl who was sensitive. Why would the girl who cared for my smile be jealous of a girl who cried for her hen. Then I told I wanted a girl who could sing with me. Why would a girl who I sang the best duet with be jealous of a girl who sang some Gujarati rap which sounded like a default in the speaker system. I told I want an intelligent girl. Why would a girl who was a topper at her high school be jealous of a girl who said the four seasons as salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar. Then I told I want a girl who could understand and comfort me. Why would a girl who just comfort me an hour ago be jealous of a girl who went to count crows. So technically, mathematically and scientifically you have no need to feel jealous."

I laugh and manik says "now you need rest go to sleep. Remember one thing
' soha is strictly for entertainment purposes'.

This boy is something else.

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