Day- 27 Farewell

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Hello peeps!!!!
Wassup. I just noticed that my reads on individual chapters has started to decrease. But I have no hard feelings. Its better to have two three people who totally enjoy my book than thousands of reads.
I also noticed my readers are so eager to know who the culprit is. I am scared. I don't want u all to expect soo much.  I have  great experience in writing mystery that even Sherlock Holmes author has taken tuition's from me.  I hope u all noticed the sarcasm. 
All I wanna say is "expectations lead to failure". So please don't expect some twist or something bomblastic.

Nandini's POV 

"Have you ever eaten a black forest in a rain forest?
I haven't. Apparently, I have eaten white forest in a mangrove forest. " I say

" Have you eaten death by chocolate cake in a cemetery "? Manik asks.

" I haven't eaten it. Ever" I say sadly with a pout.

"Awwww. Don't worry. I will surely get you one, when we get back to Mumbai"  Manik says hugging me.

I don't know why people say we are weird. We only talked about pastries and forests ........and cemeteries...

Well. Moving on.

Manik got discharged today. Cabir drives us back home.

We both ring the bell. Suddenly, Nyonika aunty rushed towards the doorstep with an aarti.

" Mumma. What is this? Its not like we are a married couple entering the house just after marriage " Manik says.

After all the pooja's we all settled in the hall.

"Mom. College is opening within three days. You have to go back" Manik says.

" What stupidity. How will we leave you like this. ".

" Mumma, Nandu is there an" Manik says making Nyonika aunty sulk.

" we had the tickets booked for today, but we were thinking about cancelling it" Dada ji says.

" Mom. You all can go back. I know you  are very busy. Please don't take stress because of me." Manik says finally convincing Nyonika aunty.

"By the way, college starts. Don't you have to go too, Nandini" Manik asks.

"Mr. Manik Malhotra,  my college starts the day your starts. So I am not going" I say stubbornly.

Manik gives me a look and I say " Manik. What will happen if I get bullied "?.

I make a fake innocent puppy eyes.

" Nandini Moorty getting bullied is like Obama doing belly dancing with Narendra modi" Manik jokes.

" that was lame" I say.

" I know, I got inspired by you" Manik taunts me again.

" Anyways, you don't have to worry. No one will dare to bully Manik Malhotra's girl" he says with an attitude.

" no Manik, I don't want our relationship to steal away my identity. I want to be known as Nandini Moorty and not Manik Malhotra's girl. I want you to be known as Manik Malhotra, not the hot,cool, beauty queens boyfriend " I say adding a bit of self praise.

" I thought you were my girl, not a hot,cool and beauty queen" Manik mocks with a innocent face

"What"? I ask angrily.

" you don't think I am hot,cool or a beauty queen"? I ask sustaining my fake anger

Manik suppressed his smile and I said " I may not be beautiful, hot or cool. I don't care. Because you deserve it. " I say angrily.

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