Twenty two - part 2

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I am totally okay now!!!!

Thanks for all the wishes.
Only 16 more chaps. Maybe an epilogue will be there.

Plz if u still havent voted my name, ten plx do in manancrazyfan

Nandini's POV

I jerk up on the couch to make Manik run into the living room.

"Thank God, it was just a nightmare." I say to myself .

"What happened Nandini? Are you alright? Has your fever gone up?" Manik asks in a go.

" I just saw a nightmare that you took away all my Harry Potter books" I say.

"Well boyfriend,let me bring you back to reality.
It wasnt a dream, I did take all your Harry Potter books away.

You are not taking rest, that's the reason why I took it" manik exclaims making me angrily pout.

Manik's POV

"...and Manik, this is the third time" Nandini says.

"Third time of what?" I ask.

" third.. ti...time you are...shi...shirtless in front of me" Nandini says holding her blush. She refused to keep eye contact.

I smirk at her words and sits near to her.
I lean closer towards her and whispers in her ears
" Well ms.boyfriend, from now on you need not count".

"You pervert" she jokes slapping my chest.

"Now, who is the pervert?" I ask drawing attention to her hand on my bare chest.

She instantly takes her hand off and says " I thought the competition was over.
When did you become so cheesy"

"Only for you, babe" I mock making her laugh.

"Ewwww" she says still laughing.

I stand up and pick her up in bridal style.

"Manik, leave me.  Someone will see" she says trying to get down.

This made my grip tighter.

"Oh ya, there are hundreds of people who are waiting for is to get romantic" I say sarcastically.( yes there are lots waiting for them to romance)

I hold her tighter and walk towards our room.
I slowly place her on the bed and climb next to her. I place a kiss on her cheeks.
It was  hot. Hot due to fever. ( u dirty minded people. Lol)

"Nandu, you have fever" I say rushing to take her medicines.

She suddenly makes me sit next to her.

"I will lay down only if you sit next to me and I don't need medicines.

I finally convinced her to have medicines and sat next to her.

She layed down placing her head on my chest.
I suddenly get a phone from cabir.
Ca- how are you bro?
Me- I am cool yaar. You forgot me, or what. How long has it been since you called.
Ca-  I called you two days ago. You guys eloped and did not inform. Idiot. I should be angry on you.

Nandini slowly starts brushing her hand across my face. Why is this turning me on?

Me- sorry cabir..... How are.. you? Are you fine?

Ca- I am married, and I have two kids named chintu and bintu. Areey stupid, why the hell are you talking so formally?

Self control mode- on.

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