#Mission- find Nandu's dad

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Nandini's POV
Remember, I told I was trying to touch my nose with my toes. I am trying again, but this time even Ranbir's trying. Chandu is continuously laughing at our attempts. I don't get the joke. We are on top of the car in our pajamas, standing on one leg and trying to touch our nose with the other leg. I don't think its funny.

The funny part is that Ranbir fell off the car twice. I was about to fall of but Manik saved me. He isn't Monster Manik now,but sweet heart Manik.
"You brainless people get down" manik shouts. Okay, totally monster Manik. I take the sweetheart back.
"Ranbir, at least you use your sense. Don't act like Cabir"manik lets out with frustration.
"Manik, I never give up" he replies.
I chuckle and chandini keeps on laughing.
"Ranbir, you don't want to go to your honeymoon on crutches, right?" Manik taunts him.
"My honeymoon!" Ranbir says dramatically and jumps down. Chandini's laugh changes to a blush.

"Just like his brother" Manik mumbled under his breath.
We went to a hotel nearby and changed.
I wore a cute dress.

It is seven in the morning and we are in Mumbai now

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It is seven in the morning and we are in Mumbai now. We get down in front of Ranbir's house.
"Di, take care of yourself. Keep in touch" chandini says.
"Sure" I reply and hug her.
"So what are both of your plans?" Ranbir asks curiously.
"Nothing much, in my knowledge. Ask Manik" I say wanting to learn our further plan.
"Well, we have a mission to complete" Manik announces.
"Mission?" I ask
"Yes, to find Nandini's dad" manik says looking at me straight in the eye. I couldn't help but hug him.
"Thanks Manik, but we don't even know which part of the country he's in" I say trying not to be rude"

"Arey, leave the matter to me." He says having enough of my questions.

"Bye guys, Enjoy!" Manik teases them.

Manik as usual starts driving the car.

"Manik, where are we going? Stop playing with your phone while driving l scold while asking out of curiosity.
"Haven't you heard curiosity killed the cat", says Manik.
" I don't care, if the cat died, just tell me where we are going", i say not thinking.
"You seriously didn't get the quote"he says with a pathetic expression.
"Manik! My brain is not in a position to work" I reply to his taunt.
"Ah, when is your brain in a position to work anyways" he teases.
"Manik! You know what, I will send a notification on your phone when my brain is working, if we don't die" I scream pointing to the car coming straight towards us.
He suddenly steers the car to the left Making both of us jerk forward. I hit my head on the glass. Shit it hurts. I hear Manik swearing at the other cars driver. I think I should teach him a lesson. I stay in the same position pretending to be unconscious.

Manik's POV
"Nandini, you're okay right?" I ask. I turn to see Nandini unconscious.
"Shit! " I say and open my door and rush to her side.
"Nandini! Nandu wake up. Nandu!" I say tapping her face"
I try to wake her up, but still she doesn't.
"I should take her to a hospital" I say to myself and rush, when Nandu holds my hand. I see her awake.
She all of a sudden starts laughing and says "you fell for that "

Anger rushed into me.
"What the hell Nandini" I yell at her.
"Okay, acha baba, sholly" she says in a childish tone.
"Never! Never pull that stunt on me " I say hugging her tightly.
"Manik if you are trying to choke me to death, lemme say you are succeeding" she jokes.
I break the hug and give her an "are-you-serious expression.
I resume driving when Nandini teases me "vaise manik, where you concerned for me?"
"Obviously, if you didn't wake up, who would send me that notification?" I continue our useless conversation.

She playfully slaps my hand and asks "on a serious note, Manik where are we going?"

"Fine, we are going to Kerala!" I say
"South india! But how do you know dads there" she asks wiggling her eyes.

"I did bit of researching" I say trying to sound smart.

"By the way, manik I am hungry" she says her usual dialogue.

Suddenly she shouts "Manik dhabha"

Well. Not again! Help! If I die young, the blames on her.

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