Future abhi baki hai mera dosth

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To all those who didn't know that I released the character sketch of my new book, 'ira and the two idiots'. Plz check it out. You would get a basic idea. I hope I get good response, just like 30 days, 30 moments.
Just like you all, I will miss this book too.

"Good things fall apart, so that better things can fall together"

Nandini's POV

"I am divorcing you, Nandini" Manik says half hugging me

"We are not even married, you idiot" I say wiping my tears.

Suddenly, two kids start crying

"Look, how this house is like, now" Manik told referring to the hall which looked like, there was a food fight. Bedroom, which had everything upside down......

Few hours before...

I woke up in between Manik and nyonika aunty.
It was nearly 4 in the evening, thats when I remembered nyonika aunty had said she had to go somewhere at four thirty.

"Nyonika aunty" I slowly wake her up.

"What is the time"? She asks stretching her hands and getting up.
"Its already four" I inform making her panicked.

After half an hour Nyonika aunty called us both to the front hall wers everyone was summoned.

"Nandu, mani, I have not yet forgiven you. So,we all are going out, you both will stay here." Nyonika aunty.

What a no punishment yaar, I wish maths teacher was like her.

"But... you both have a job" she interrupted my bomblastic plans.

"You both have to babysit the Mrs. Saloni's twins" she completes,manik everyone chuckle and manik fall on the ground in desperation.

"Whats so bad, we will,handle them" I say confidently.

Soon a cute six, year old identical twins arrived with a middle-aged woman who introduced herself as Saloni.

"Here is the baby bag, all their toys and food and all necessary items are there. Any need, then call me" saloni aunty says.

The bid farewell and fab four along with the cousins gave us best of lucks.

They can't be that.

"Well are you a tad bit excited"? I asked manik who had a scared face.

"Well, look at the positive side. Let me see how you are gonna handle our future kids" manik said naughtily.
"You pervert" I scold hitting him.

"We also love this gamey" the twins screamed jumping up and down.

"What game"? I ask bending down to their level.

"Hitting" they say together and start hitting me and manik.

Damn it, I try to make them stop, which made me getting hit on my face.

What respected children.

Manik was running around the house to escape from the hits of the toddler.

Finally, I managed to grab chocolates from the baby bag and pass it on to them making them stop.

I went towards Manik who was,laying flat,on the kitchen counter.

"Manik" I call out.

"Boyfriend, do you find them cute now" Manik asked sitting on the counter.

"I think I sprained all my muscles" manik continued and started stretching his arms.

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