Day 14 part-2

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School opening has been postponed to god knows when! Recently I read my ff and literally burst out laughing. Not coz of the lame jokes but the spelling mistakes.
Anyways here is ur update


Manik's POV

" you have another surprise" I say making her excited.
"Really" Nandini asks and I grab her hand and walk next to the window.

I open the window and point to the gate which was opening to reveal Chandini.

"Chandu" Nandini screams in excitement and pulls me towards her and pecks my cheek. I didn't see that coming.

After a minute, I can see Nandini pulling Chandini into a bear hug.
Sometimes I wonder who is older and who is younger.

"Are you real or a figment of my imagination"? I heard Nandini ask. They both chuckle. Where does all of this come from.

After taking a shower, I go down to hear Nandini screaming" burgular, theif,intruder, tresspasser,cracksman, raider".

I grab a stick and run towards the kitchen to see Nandini trying to hit   Pandit with a frying pan and kicking him oh his leg. He is on the floor wincing in pain.

"What the hell Nandini"? I scream .

"What did I do now. Just because I screamed you are angry. I  screamed because I saw a burglar. What was I supposed to do?  Say -Well hello burglar. How are you?  Would you like tea, coffee or cool drinks?... Instead I would hit him with a frying pan and shove chilly powder up his ass" she says sarcastically.

"You idiot, that's not a theif, that's pandit." I say making her look at him.

"What the hell are you doing in jeans and jacket, pandit" she asks looking surprised.
"Grandma forced me to wear this" he says with tears in his eyes ready to fall any second. He is such a cry baby. But still he is holding on even after grandma's torture.

Nandini giggled,
Pandit crippled.

"I am sorry, but I must say you have the qualifications and appearance for establishing yourself in the robbery industry" Nandini says and resumes cooking.

Pandit drags himself, away from the kitchen and away from Nandini.

"What are you making"? I ask.
"Food that can be eaten" she replies.
"All food can be eaten" I retort
",have you ever tried my hakka noodles. I am telling you all food are not edible" Nandini says.

I quit.

Suddenly my cousins come and dit on the kitchen counter and ask " Nandini, you told us about how you accompanied manik but you didn't say anything about yourself" arya asks.

"What do you need to know?" Nandini asks

"Any random stuff about you"abhi says eating a diary milk.

Nandini's POV
"Ok. I am very famous in my house. I hate walking on the sand with wet slippers. I hate ants. Not thr small one but the big red and black ones. I tend to do gymnastics at night while sleeping. I also have a habit of watching hobbit every Friday but nowadays I don't"  I say.
"That was a bit more random than I expected" riddhima exclaims.

"I am getting bored" I say.

" how about we all go for a swim in the traditional pond" manik suggests.

" how about we all go for a swim in the traditional pond" manik suggests

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