I don't talk in my sleep. Do I ?

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Authors note
Hi guys, welcome to the most popular and boring authors note. This one is just because, I want to thank all the people who voted and commented on my story. Thanks even to all the silent readers too. I feel that, even if 1 person enjoys reading my book, its a great success for me. Ok, I am ending my extremely boring authors note.
This chapter is dedicated to all those people who gave lovely comments.
Enjoy !

Nandini POV
Ca- who?
Na- that doesn't matter now, your friend is in the hospital.
Ca- what?
Na- plz come, there is nothing to worry and don't bring all of your friends because Manik's gonna kill me when I tell I called you.
Ca- where is he now?
Na- Mary's Health Care, xyz road
Ca - thanks, I am coming right away.
Half an hour flew by and the nurse is coming towards me. "Mam, please buy these medicines from the pharmacy.". "Okay". I move towards the pharmacy and buy medicines". As I go back I ask the nurse " how's Manik"?
"Mam, he gained consciousness, you can go in and meet him".
"Really". I rush in too see Manik sitting on the bed with his head bandaged.
"Hello, mr. Attitude. Are you fine?". I go near him and give small hug which he reciprocate.
" what were you saying, whatever happens don't come inside. If I didn't come inside you won't be here."
He smirks and says " how can I die, when you threatened me to make me eat dhabha food and told you wont keep your mouth shut for the whole journey".
Our conversation breaks hearing two voices "Ahem ahem". I look towards the door and don't see anyone. Manik pokes me and points towards the side were two people stood with a smirk on their face. I look toward Manik and he says " these are two of my friends, who I am sure you called.
"Oh, so this is Cabir and this... ?" I say looking to cabir and then too a girl. "She's Mukti" cabir answer before her. We shake hands .
I say " Guys, I gotta change and make some calls, I think you guys have lots to talk, so bye."

I rush out and try to convince chachi

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I rush out and try to convince chachi.

Manik's POV
I go into the warehouse that my friend had informed were harshad was hiding. I go in further and I turn to see harshad running and two guys following him. I run behind him and catch hold of Harshad. Suddenly a guy hits me with a iron stick. "Aah". Shit! Those jerks. I'll get hold of them soon. I open my eyes and see Nandini.
She is calling my name.
"I told you not to come inside". I whispered. My head was hurting badly.
"You idiot if you die, I'll make you eat dhabha food and keep on talking all through your mysterious journey. I won't give you peace of mind". How does she manage to lighten the mood in even the most bad scenario. "Oh, so you will do, what you usually do".
"You idiot!". I slowly close my eyes.
I open my eyes and I think I am in a hospital. I see two people coming in hurriedly. Its Cabir and Mukti.
"Manik, tum tik ho na"? Both ask in unison
"Ha guys I am fine. ". I gradually told them what happened.
After hearing their lecture, I seriously feel that I can write a five hundred paged book on the topic.
Mukti was washing some fruits and Cabir was making some calls. Suddenly Nandini barges in saying " Hello mr. Attitude, are you fine?. She gives me a quick hug.
"What were you saying, don't come inside. If I didn't come inside you won't be here."
A smirk appears on my face and I say " how can I die, when you threatened me to make me eat dhabha food and told you won't keep your mouth shut for the whole journey". Our conversation suddenly gets interrupted due to Mukti and Cabir's fake cough. Nandini looks towards the door and I poke her and pointed towards my friends. She turns towards me with an intriguing face and I say" these are two of my friends, who I am sure you called.
She walks towards them and says" you are cabir and this ?
"This is Mukti" cabir says. They shake hands and Nandini introduces her self and says " guys, I gotta change and make some calls, I think you guys have lots to talk,so bye". She exits and both of them look at me with a smirk and cabir asks
" Manik who was that?". "She's my friend, Nandini Murthy, used to live in US but orginally from South India"
"How do you know so much about her?" Mukti asks. "She's dads best friend". Dad. I miss him.
"Oh is she the girl who came for your dad's funeral and left so early."
The thought of the word funeral brings shivers in me.
"Ha, mom told me she left so fast because she can't handle emotions. Thats why she left".
Thats when Cabir the Cupid started his game " manik, you know her so well, kya baath hai!"
"Cabir beta, I know what you are trying to do. Just because you have no job to do dosent mean that you play cupid".
Cabir smirks and looks at mukti. These duffers. By the way, where is my locket. It mau seem a bit girly, but dad gave it to me.
"Hey, where is my locket".
" I'll ask Nandini and come",mukti says and goes out.
Nandini POV

I change into a white crop top and denim shorts. Thank God chachi got convinced and allowed me to stay. I told that I was going for a trip. It wasn't fully a lie.

I should go back to Manik's room

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I should go back to Manik's room. Oh, I forgot to give the medicines that I bought. As I was going to enter and asks " do you know where is Manik's chain?". Shite. Its broken. What will I do?
"I don't know". I get into the room to see Manik looking very anxious and cabir searching. I go inside and keep the medicines on the table.
"Manik, you take rest, we will find the chain.
" please Manik eat this medicine and take rest."
After a lot of attempts of persuading, he takes the medicine and goes to sleep.

Me and Mukti decided to go buy our dinner from the cafeteria.
Mu: waise Nandini, when did you accompany Manik . When he left you were not there.
Na: I was there
Mu: I didn't see you
Na: niether did Manik
Mu: kya
Na: long story man. I will tell while we have dinner
After dinner mukti and Cabir were laughing hearing my story.
Manik wakes up and Mukti gives him a glass of water. We have a casual conversation.
The doctor comes in and says " Good evening Manik. How do you feel?"
Doctor turns towards us and says" manik looks fine. He can go home tomorrow morning. You should take rest".
Manik nods and I am sure he ain't gonna listen. The doctor exits and Mukti looks at me and says " anyways you're coming with me and Manik to Mumbai, right?
Before I can answer Manik says " I am not coming with you guys"
"No Manik, we are going" cabir said with a stern face.
"Manik you are not going". Mukti said adamantly. I better stay quiet because I have no clue of Manik's destination or intentions.
As I was expecting, Manik bursted with anger. Cabir and Mukti excused themselves. I can feel the tension in the room. I should change the topic.
"Manik, did you have your medicines?" I chirped. He looked at me with an emotionless face ad shook his heads. I took a glass of water and medicine and made him have his medicines. I slowly instruct him to go to sleep. I step outside to see mukti and Cabir with tensed faces. I go towards and cabir says " if I could have gone with Manik, then I would have ".
Mukti says " he still needs rest"
"You're right Mukti. You know what I can stay. "
" but Nandini, you needed to go home right?" mukti asked.
"Actually before you guys came, I had convinced chachi. I'll make him take rest."
"Problem solved. Now we gotta go. Come lets go see manik"
"Ok, but he is sleeping". They soon leave. I walk back to Manik's room and see him still asleep. I should change. Manik is talking in his sleep. So cute. Wait what? Anyways! I go near him and hear him say " Nandini, don't go, na. If you go who will take me to the hospital next time?". This guy even taunts me in his sleep. This is cute. Yes,cute.
" who will keep disturbing me in the car?"
IDIOT! I change into my night dress and go to sleep on the bed next by. I slowly go to sleep.

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