Sadness + sadness= bull sh**

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Manik's POV

I don't know how I survived last night. Sab meri wajah se.
I should not have left her come with me inside.
Every minute I stand under this roof, is a torment.
Every minute she remains with a closed eyes, tortures me.
Every minute she stops smiling, stabs my eyes.
Her smile, happiness, blabbers. I stole everything.
Doctors have still not said anything.
How I wish, I could wake up and realise all these were just a nightmare. For the first time I wished to have a nightmare.

 For the first time I wished to have a nightmare

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Flash Back

"Nandini, are you okay "? I ask looking at the blood all around.
(A/N: okay that's a dumb question. Ikr. Sorry)
I lifted her and ran towards the car and started driving, still clutching on to her hand with one hand.

I rush her into the emergency ward

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I rush her into the emergency ward..
Doctor, please help her" I shout.
I don't know how I spent the whole night.

I don't know how I spent the whole night

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"Sir" I heard a lady's voice. I see the nurse calling. I rush towards her and ask Impatiently
"How is she"?
"Sir, she still hasn't gained consciousness but you can get in and see her. I nod and enter into the room.
It hurts to see the never stopping talks stop.

 It hurts to see the never stopping talks stop

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"What are you trying to do Nandini. Trying to prove that I can not stay without your talks. Its not working.

..Okay I am missing your talks, pranks and the most important thing. Your smile.
If you want dhabha food then wake up now. I will buy you any food you want, play any pranks. Please wake up.

I can't see you like this. Most importantly because I am the reason why you're here. I can't live with the fact I am responsible for a very special person in my life. I can't." I pour my heart out shedding tears.
I may look like a very tough guy but deep inside I have a heart. A very broken one. I can't face one more crack.

I stand up and start to walk away when a hand holds me back. I turn around to see Nandini struggling to open her eyes and holding onto my hands. I call for the doctor. The doctor asks me to stay outside. I slowly remove my hand from hers.
I Wait outside and the doctor comes out and says " by gods grace she is fine. You yourself saved her. I don't know how but whatever you said to her had a great impact.
She is being shift to the room now. She has gained consciousness, you can go in and meet her.
I get into see what I needed. Her smiling face. I run to her hug her.

"I am sorry" I say"Arey, how can you even think about blaming yourself

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"I am sorry" I say
"Arey, how can you even think about blaming yourself. I myself fell into the trap. " she says trying to lighten the mood.
"No, I should not have let you stride away" I say guilty of my actions.

"Ugh. How do you come up with such marvellous thoughts. I am hungry. I want some thing light. How about five nans and a chicken tikka masala" she says making me chuckle.
I give her a hug and goes to buy the medicines.
I turn around and gives her a bright smile.

Nandini POVI have a very bad headache, but I don't want Manik to know

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Nandini POV
I have a very bad headache, but I don't want Manik to know. He is blaming himself for everything. He has faced a lot , I can't be another reason to hurt him.
Suddenly manik comes with food and medicines. He gives me the medicines and I gulp it down. He sits next to me and takes a bowl of soup.
"Chii, I don't want this, who likes soup, that too from hospital. Ewww" I say.
"No, I will buy you mutton biriyani"manik says sarcastically.
"I thought I was the sarcasm queen" I say.
"Eat this" manik says.
"As I open my mouth to disagree,manik puts a spoon of soup in my mouth and laughs.
Manik monkey malhotra.
To be frank, the soup tastes okay. Ok ok..... soup tastes awesome.

"I knew you would like the soup" manik says.
"Okay, I am not going to lie. Its awesome" I say honestly.
"I know because I made it" manik says proudly.
"Seriously, you made it" I ask eager to know.
"Yes, I knew you didn't like hospital food, so I made it" he says looking at me.
Such a sweetie
"You are so sweet" I say pulling his cheeks.
"Don't call me sweet" manik scowls.
"Your sweet, adorable and extremely cute" I say to irk him.
"Ugh" Manik huffs and turns around.
Aww he is so cute. Okay I should not say that.
I pat maniks shoulder and he turns around and asks "what".
"Shollly" I say in a childish tone with puppy eyes. Hehe who wouldn't fall for that.
"I am not going to fall for that" he says breaking my heart into fifty pieces.
Okay that was dramatic.
"Then what should I do, to make it up to you" I ask
"Say manik malhotra is hot, cool and smart" he says smiling.
"So basically, I have to say a lot of lies to make it up to you" I mock.
He scowls at me and I say "sorry, Manik ia hot,cool and smart". He smiles at me and says "now come on open your mouth". He starts feeding me the soup.
Its really awesome and such a sweet gesture.
The doctor comes and informs that I will be discharged soon. I am shifted to the room.
Manik comes in to the room and sits on his bed.
"Manik, where are we going tomorrow"? I ask out of curiosity.

"We are going back to Mumbai, to drop you back home. You are not going to accompany me any more" he says with an emotionless face.
Frankly, I don't like to write a chap without humor, but what to do. I hope you guys enjoy.
Please comment. Your comments are what makes me write. I really want to find out who all reading. It would be cool if the silent readers comment too.


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