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Nandini's POV

'Who lives in a pineapple

Under the sea

Absorbent and yellow and porous is he

If nautical nonsense be something you wish

Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish

Ready? Sponge bob square pants

Sponge bob square pants'

"Are you sure, you are not dating a five year old"? Dhruv asks  Manik.

"Oh, she is just too happy" manik says.

Yes, I am so happy !

Manik bought me TWO teddy's.

I named it
Huckleberry Finn and Tom sawyer.

"Seriously Nandini, how did you get those Names"? Asks Mukti.

"Well, there is thing known as reading." I say

"Nandini has two teddy's at US, its names are Jack and Rose."  Navya says

"I guess the next doll you get will be Bajirao and Mastaani" cabir says sarcastically.

"Awesome. Surely, I will" I say happily making Cabir hit his head in exasperation.

Manik's POV

Nandini goes in grabbing her dolls.

"Yaar, I have made her wait a lot. I have to take her for a date. I have some of it planned. I want it to be special." I say.

"Manik, Just do something she loves the most. Maybe take her for a movie." Cabir suggests.

"Are she is my photocopy at  these stuffs yaar. She would not watch the movie, rather would  be helping me throw popcorn at people",I say making cabir chuckle.

"I thought only you were that irritating and stupid. You have found one true love manik" cabir says laughing.

"Manik, do something small. Something she likes. As far as I know her, how much ever childish she is, she would totally love anything you do for her." Navya says.

She is right, Nandini would appreciate anything I do. Nothing so far has been normal in our lives, then why arewe trying to be,like other couples.

Navya walks and cabir asks in an unsure voice " Manik. Is it possible for a gay person to like a girl."?

"No. Then they aren't gay.It's called being bisexual,  idiot. If a person can have romantic feelings for a man as well as a woman, then that person is bi. By the way, why are you asking me all this?

Wait! Don't tell me, you are bi. Who is the girl?"

I am totally shocked.
"Ummm... I am not sure. But I like a girl. I don't know why, but I think I like Navya" cabir confess.

"Woah man. I am happy for you" I say wiping fake tears and acting dramatic.

"I thought I was the nautanki in the house" cabir says.

"Chup karr. " I say after which everyone gathers in the hall for a chit chat . I make all the necessary arrangements for our date.

Where is Nandini?

"Nandu" I call out making her walk in.

"What is it Manik"? She asks.

"Go get changed cause we are going for our first official date" I proclaim.

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