3 - Bokuaka (fluff)

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3 - Bokuaka (fluff)

Requested by: pandarules617

/We all need this after the previous one shot/

"HEY HEY HEY," Bokuto shouts, all the while dashing into the living room. Akaashi, who has been married to Bokuto for almost a year now, has gotten use to it... Has gotten use to Bokuto's strange (but adorable) habit of yelling while practically sprinting into the room. "It's," Bokuto says, in between gasps for air, "Our one year anniversary tomorrow!"

"Yes, I know, Kotaro," Akaashi says with a small sigh, "You've been saying that everyday, for the past week." Akaashi would never tell Bokuto so, but he finds it adorable... He finds it adorable how Bokuto, for the past week, has been counting down the days to their one year anniversary... How he has been reminding him how close it is... How he seems just so happy to be married to him. The simplest things make him happy.

"I'M SO EXCITED," Bokuto adds, before joining Akaashi on the couch. Before Akaashi can utter a sound, Bokuto kisses him. Although the kiss is brief, Akaashi can feel it... The sparks that fly whenever Bokuto touches him.

"I can tell," Akaashi says, with a chuckle. After a brief pause, he adds, "I'm excited too..."


Akaashi had practiced... Akaashi had practiced everyday, for the past week. I will say the pun correctly. I will make Kotaro laugh. It'll be perfect.

"Kotaro, wake up," Akaashi says, all the while gently shaking his husband's arm. Much to his surprise, Bokuto leaps out of the bed.

"HA! I WAS ALREADY AWAKE," he screeches, with a large grin. He seems very proud of himself. What an idiot.

Not really knowing a particularly good time to say it, Akaashi decides to say it as soon as possible... To say it before he loses the courage to say it. "Kotaro" Akaashi says, quietly, "You're my sOWLmate. Happy Anniversary... I love you."


After all that work...

His response is silence?


Since when is Bokuto quiet?

Raising his head so he is no longer staring at his own hands, Akaashi is greeted by a beautiful sight. He is greeted by the sight of a flustered Bokuto. By the sight of Bokuto with one hand over his heart, and his face dusted with a pink hue. "Akaashi!!!" Bokuto squeaks, after a few minutes. "That was REALLY cute. It was so cute that you almost KILLED ME!"

Bokuto's words result in Akaashi's cheeks gaining their own pink hue. "You're exaggerating..."

"I NEVER EXAGGERATE!" Bokuto hollers, before walking over to Akaashi's side of the bed. He never exaggerates? Pfft. He exaggerates AND he is a terrible liar. "WHAT YOU DID WAS PERFECT! WHY? BECAUSE..." Opening the top drawer of the nearby dresser, Bokuto pulls out two shirts, and hands one to Akaashi. "I got us two matching shirts that say 'sOWLmates'. Do you like it? Huh? Do you like it?"

"It's c-cute," Akaashi stammers, "but n-not as c-cute as y-you." It seems as though Kuroo's stupidity is contagious. Curse him and his pick up lines...

Much to his surprise, Bokuto ends up laying on the floor. "Kotaro? What are you doing down there?" Akaashi asks.


"If you're dead, how are you talking?" Akaashi asks, with a small smile. He loves this... He loves all of Bokuto's silly antics. Bokuto never fails to make him happy, to make him smile...

"I'm a ghost."

/That was bad I'm sorry ;-;/

romance by request: haikyuuWhere stories live. Discover now