19 - Bokuaka (angst)

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19 - Bokuaka (angst)

Requested by: toasty_pandaa

/My bro doichi pointed out that I accidentally posted this in my author book instead of here... WHOOPS. I guess I shouldn't update when I'm tired xD/

/I'm just going to apologize in advance. I'm sorry./

Bokuto hates it.

He hates how he can remember it all...

He can remember the way Akaashi smiled... With only the very corners of his mouth pointing up. Such a sight could easily be missed...

He can remember the way Akaashi laughed. Bokuto knows it sounds cliché but Akaashi's laughter sounded like a song... A song that, at times, made Bokuto want to dance... A song, at other times, that could lull him to sleep.

He can remember the way Akaashi talked. He often talked quietly, with his voice only rising in volume to scold him. Or... Well...

He can remember the way Akaashi kissed. His kisses were feather light, with his lips barely touching Bokuto's skin. His kisses were like a warm summer breeze...

He can remember the way their hands fit together... Like two puzzles pieces... When their fingers were intertwined, Bokuto felt happy, and complete. It was like Akaashi made him whole.

The man who made him whole is now in pieces. "Your husband was in a car accident... We had to amputate his arms and his legs..."

He could only cry over the pieces of his beloved. His limbless beloved with fire scarred skin... Akaashi looks like a quilt, with so many patches of skin with varying levels of burns.

"We thought we were in the clear, when we realized that one of his ribs punctured a lung..."

Kuroo had tried to tell him it was a bad idea to look at Akaashi's body... But he didn't listen. After all, until he saw the body, he refused to believe it. He refused to believe his Akaashi, with his subtle smiles and musical laughter... With his soft kisses and sweet voice was gone...

That he was dead...

That he was in pieces...

And that there was nothing Bokuto could do to ever put him back together again. 

romance by request: haikyuuWhere stories live. Discover now