31 - Iwakage (angst)

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31 - Iwakage (angst)

Requested by: Chiaxaii /you didn't say if you wanted fluff or angst... I chose for you. :333333 (I'm sorry)/

Kageyama was happy... He was so happy that Iwaizumi listened to his messy confession "I think you're n- kni- nice and I w-would like to d-date me! I mean y-you... Will y-you date m-me?" He was happy that Iwaizumi said "yes."


He WAS happy, until he realized what he is...

He is a replacement for Oikawa.

Kageyama isn't stupid... He knows why Iwaizumi scolds Oikawa. It's because he is worried about him... And he wants to protect him... To protect him in his own, loud way.

He knows why Iwaizumi spends so much time with Oikawa. He isn't just checking up on him, and making sure that he isn't overworking himself... He likes spending time with Oikawa. He likes listening to the talented setter talk and laugh.

He doesn't seem overly worried about Kageyama. Yes, he shows concern if Kageyama appears ill. But that's it. He doesn't check on him...

He doesn't let Kageyama whine about his day to him like he lets Oikawa...

He doesn't like to talk with him. In fact, their conversations are usually only a few sentences long.

When Kageyama laughs, nothing changes...

Iwaizumi doesn't smile, or start laughing.

Iwaizumi just stares at him. What, do you think if you stare long enough that I'll turn into Oikawa? Is that it? It is that it, Iwaizumi-senpai? Despite it all, Kageyama must admit that Iwaizumi's kisses feel good. That Iwaizumi's lips feel cool and calming upon his lips, upon his skin.

Those kisses are bittersweet. After all, they aren't meant for him.

They'll NEVER be meant for him.

It comes to no surprise to Kageyama that when Iwaizumi moves onto high school, that he loses contact with him... That they lose contact and end up going their separate ways.

Kageyama is even more surprised to find that he isn't very upset about losing Iwaizumi. Then again, Iwaizumi was never really his to begin with. 

romance by request: haikyuuWhere stories live. Discover now