29 - Bokuroo (fluff)

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29 - Bokuroo (fluff)

Requested by: Anna-annanas

"Kuroooooo," Bokuto whines, hoping that his boyfriend will hear him, and awaken fro his deep sleep. "KUROOOOOOOOOOOOO." Although he feels a little guilty for trying to wake Kuroo up, he mostly feels scared... He scared of that haunting images that had danced behind his eyelids... That had lead to him getting poor sleep, and waking up at one in the morning. He is afraid of his nightmare... The nightmare that refuses to leave him... The nightmare that has scared him so much that his heart is beating rapidly... And has resulted in his whole body shaking. "Tetsuroooooooooooo."

"What? You're awake?" Kuroo mumbles, all the while blinking to ward away the sleepiness. Bokuto usually sleeps as well as him... Hell, he normally sleeps more than him... With Kuroo having to pull him out of bed at noon. Although his sense of perception is a bit clouded because he is very tired, he can't help but notice the strain in Bokuto's voice... The strain that makes it very clear that something is wrong. "Kotaro, what's wrong?"

"I had a nightmare," Bokuto says, all the while scooting closer to Kuroo... Scooting closer so he can rest his forehead agains't Kuroo's chest. "It was really scary."

"It's a good thing that I'm a professional at fighting scary things," Kuroo says, keeping his voice soft and reassuring, "Do you want to talk about it?"


"Okay... Then I'll hug all of the scariness out of you," Kuroo says, before wrapping one of his arms around Bokuto. "And I'll kiss the scariness out of you!" Before each of them know it, they are in bed cuddling... Kissing... And having a tickle battle. All at one in the morning... At a time neither expected to be awake at.

/Sorry about the shortness... I was busy today./ 

romance by request: haikyuuWhere stories live. Discover now