9 - Iwaoi (fluff)

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 9 - Iwaoi (fluff)

Requested by: Anna-annanas

Oikawa knows that it is a bad idea to tickle Iwaizumi... After all, by the time he is done, Iwaizumi usually shouts at him for ten minutes straight. But Oikawa does it anyway. He can't help it... Iwaizumi's laughter sounds like a song. A song that is calming, and that should be played repeatedly.

"Hajime~," Oikawa says, having to bit his lip in order to stop himself from grinning. "Turn around and give me a hug."

With a small sigh, Iwaizumi rolls so he is facing Oikawa. "Do you always need a hug when I'm trying to fall asleep?" Iwaizumi mutters, sounding a bit grumpy. Although he sounds grumpy, and is trying to seem grumpy, his face betrays him. Iwaizumi is smiling from ear to ear.

"Your hugs help me fall asleep," Oikawa says, and is happy to see that his words result in Iwaizumi's face turning bright red.

"You're an idiot," Iwaizumi mutters, all the while hugging Oikawa. No, you're the idiot, Oikawa thinks, as he brushes his fingertips against Iwaizumi's bare back.

"TOORU!" He shouts, in between fits of laugher, "YOU FUCKING BRAT! STOP!"

Oikawa doesn't stop.

Well, he doesn't stop until Iwaizumi accidentally punches him in the face.

Upon realizing what he did, Iwaizumi pales. "Shit... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hit you. Are you alright?" Iwaizumi automatically leans in closer to Oikawa, to inspect his face. He hopes that he didn't give him a bruise or...

"You pack one hell of a blow, Hajime," Oikawa says, with a giggle. His words are muffled, however, because he his holding his now bloody nose.

"Wow you're stupid AND perverted," Iwaizumi remarks, before handing Oikawa some tissues.

After a few minutes, the bleeding stops.

"Are you okay now?" Iwaizumi asks, feeling really bad about accidentally punching his boyfriend in the face.

"I will be okay if you give me a hug," Oikawa chirps, with a smirk.


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