5 - Yakulev (fluff)

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5 - Yakulev (fluff)

Requested by: @dragneel4life (I'm having issues with tagging people today, sorry)

/If I have time/if I remember I'll write you a Bokuaka one too. For now, though, I'm trying to get everyone's first request done first./

Lev is frustrated. He has a crush on Yaku, yet he isn't sure how he should confess. Hell, he doesn't even know if he should confess. After all, at times, Lev can't help but feel that Yaku hates him. Lev can't exactly blame him... His teasing does get out of hand sometimes. After sulking for a week, he decides to ask Kuroo for advice.

"So let me get this straight," Kuroo says, with a mischievous grin, "You've got a crush on Yaku, and you're asking me for advice." Kuroo can't help but feel happy. An underclassmen has asked him for help. And not help for just anything... An underclassmen is asking him for help in his love life. "You're talking to an expert."

In the background, Kenma watches. Shaking his head side to side in disappointment, he decides that it is best just to continue to practice.


At the end of practice, when everyone is about to head home, Lev spots his chance. Thanks to his long legs, he catches up with Yaku, who is already outside the gym, with ease. "Yaku-san," Lev says, almost immediately earning himself a wary gaze from Yaku.

"What, Lev?" Yaku asks, looking ready to punch him.

"D-Do you h-have a b-band aid? C-Cause I s-scrapped my k-knees falling for you," Lev stammers. Just before Yaku moves to slap his arm, Lev tries another pick up line. "Roses are red, violets are blue, I didn't know what was perfect until I met you."

Yaku, who was not expecting Lev to say something so nice, quickly lets his arm fall. How could he hit someone that just complimented him? With the compliment aside, Yaku can't help but feel confused. Why is Lev telling him pick up lines? And why does he have a feeling that Kuroo is the one that supplied him with the pick up lines?

Sensing Yaku's confusion, Lev (reluctantly), explains himself. "Yaku-san, I have a crush on me... I mean you. Will you go on a date with me?"

Yaku can't help but notice the hopeful look in Lev's emerald eyes. With a small sigh, he says, "Yes, but only if you stop using those awful pick up lines."

/I'm sorry this wasn't very good... I haven't read much of the manga, but have seen a lot of the anime... Therefore my portrayal of Lev & Yaku are mediocre at best ;-;/

romance by request: haikyuuWhere stories live. Discover now